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Help Matt Sabatino

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As most of you are aware by now, Matt Sabatino was stabbed in the chest Saturday night in downtown haverhill. He's currently fighting for his life with a heart and lung injury due to the stabbing in a SICU at a Boston hospital.
He is currently unstable in very critical condition as of now. The family is unsure of his prognosis and it is an intense situation minute to minute right now as the family waits for change in his status.
I'm a close family friend and have spoken to the family as well as been to the hospital and they are swept up in pain and completely devastated. They are praying for matts health and healing by his side during this time.
With an event as tragic as this, Matt and his family will be faced with a lot of obsticles and financial worry. I set the go fund me up to help provide for immediate support in providing the close family a hotel room, a place to retreat within walking distance of the hospital during his mecially fragile moment and provide them with some comfort.
Also the additional funds raised will primarily be used for Matthew's direct medical needs primarily in whatever path that leads. It's too early to know where that will be but Matthew also has a fiancé and two young children that he supports that rely on him that will also be affected due to this horrible event.



  • Kimberlee Keith
    • $30
    • 7 yrs


Amanda Robinson
Haverhill, MA

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