Natalie Grace My daughter has been complaining bout stomach pain since she was one year old. The doctors said it was just constipation and that she just needed to change her diet. After changing her eating habits the pain was still there. Doctors then suggested that we keep her on laxatives. Natalie has been on laxitives since age one until now at age 7 . At age 3 Natalies pain was still there, doctors then said to give her fiber and change the dosage of the laxitives. Stomach pain was still there , when Natalie uses the restroom she cries with pain in her abdomin, an UNEXPLAINABLE pain, it just looks very painful, almost as if she were to pass out, blood started to come out with soft stool. I went to the hospital several times and all they said was that it was just constipation and to continue with fiber and laxitives I got tired of the same story and no other studies being done. Then i went back to her primary and argued with them to send me to a specialist that can help. At age 5 in 2016 I was refered to a gasterenterologist specialist. I explained what was going on and unfortunately she was no help. She said to do the same that my daughters Natalies doctor said to continue on laxitives. So I did, as I continued to go back for follow ups it was the same thing over and over again. I thought maybe going to someone who specializes in that area might help ASAP. On the mid year of 2018 I went back in and told her there was something els she must DO! and then she said the bleeding might me coming from a cut in her bottom and when she checked, she noticed there was blood inside her bottom. After so many years she finally requested approval From insurance for a colonoscopy which took several months for it to become approved. In the meantime there was not one single day where Natalie did not go through pain when having a bowel movement. All I was able to do was attempt to comfort, there wasn’t much I could do. On February 11 2019 finally they did the colonoscopy, while they were doing the colonoscopy a nurse came out and questioned if I did the prep because there was a ball of stool. Assuming I didn’t do the prep. Later on as they finished the colonoscopy and my daughter was in recovery, they came to me and said that at first they thought it was just the ball of stool building up (constipation) and then they showed me these images of her colon and said they found this large bump in her colon and that it looked like a venous malformation. I then asked SO IS IT REALLY A VENOUS MALFORMATION? And the doctor said no we are not sure but might think is that. I WAS VERY SAD AND UPSET. I wanted answers!! accurate answers!! Not maybes or mights! So then we went home and had to wait another month for approval for an MRI. Basically waiting longer with that pain. On March 8 2019 my daughter finally got an MRI done. When we went for the results it was CRAP and not helpful! I asked the doctor so what are the results and she said that it wasn’t clear because it only detected the ball of stool that was build up in there. So I asked what’s the next step I need to know what is this and why is it causing her so much pain!!!! Well doctor was NOOOO HELP! She just sent me home and said we had to wait to get a call for another MRI! At this point I’m fed up with these doctors! who don’t take this as an emergency.!!! This is an emergency. SHES IN ALOT OF PAIN!!! Every single day my daughter cries every time she has a bowel movement because it is very painful! I see her cry and I know she is not pretending! I see her in a lot of pain and I feel helpless. I can’t do nothing to help her. All I can do is sit in the restroom with her and give her some type of comfort. Until now I am still waiting for a call from her doctor, I’ve called them several times and all they prescribe is laxitives and medicine for build up gas in her abdomin. Meds that aren’t even helping at all. I only created this go fund me because I want to take her to a doctor that is out of this state and is not covered by our medical. I don’t have much Financial support but I just need enough for the travel and to pay the doctor that will help me find out my daughters diagnoses. I know that my goal might need to be a lot more funds but Honestly at this point anything will help. I will really much appreciate everyone who can help me with even the smallest amount. Even if anyone has any information on a doctor that might be some help I really much appreciate it. Thank you in advance! Please help me figure out what is this painful thing in my daughters abdomin.
Please take a moment to pray for my child
Thanks to all and God Bless you all!