Please help me get Colin back outside in nature.
Ok I’m taking a big breath and asking for your help...
I need to get Colin outside, with ease and to give him back his life, strong words but true. Actually if I’m being completely honest, to give us both back our life’s and to be a team again.
Colin was diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis 10 years ago.
this ridiculously talented artist, nature lover and extrovert.
Progressively as MS does it has taken away his mobility, his confidence and he has become more and more isolated. Unable to get
outside with ease, making everything he does exhausting and
We did buy a manual wheel chair, however it is heavy and he is
now unable to use his arms to self propel and it’s so cumbersome
and there is no pleasure or enthusiasm for him to use it.
It’s become easier for him to stay home.... not good.
After doing tons of research I stumbled across this amazing wheel chair.
For those of you who know Col, you’ll know what a huge fan of
formula one he is. So you’ll know why I’ve chosen this model of
wheel chair.... it has formula one technology... carbon fibre and
super light.
Colin needs something to excite him and to make him want to get back out, exploring and finding inspiration and living.... this is it,
this is the one that will do that.
But of course it’s super expensive, so that’s why I’m asking you to. please help us.. what ever you can, as soon as you can so we can
change this amazing man, my Colin’s life for the better.
Your support to get Col this wheelchair as soon as possible will
mean so much to us both and I can’t thank you enough in advance.