Help me obtain some real independence.
Hi & thank you for taking time to click the link and hopefully watch my video.
I'll keep this short but if you have questions please do ask. I'm basically struggling, with this less than appeasing new body that continues to break down, I'm down a very good income too. The NHS can only offer so much and sometimes in life you need to ask to help, for me this is one of those times. I'm basically home 24/7 public transport is limited where I live and what we do have doesn't help me as my network of support is the other direction. My video link explains everything. If I was writing this for someone else I'd put all the honest realities on here but as it's me asking for help for me, I find it difficult without sounding like I'm laying it on thick or begging, does that make sense? On FB I have a page called "Wisdom Worrior Sophie Louise" please do take a look at the early videos then some of the newer ones, as they explain the first huge hurdle then the second. I thank you once more for even being here if you can help I'd be so grateful. I just need a break you know, something good to come out of this horrendous couple of years. Take care, be kind, be safe and try to find a positive even when it seems impossible ♥ Sophie Rodgers xx Near Ripon UK click the more information link for, well, more information click> More information <click