help me protect my five sons
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Hello, my name is Braddley, a father of five sons, and I truly appreciate you taking a moment to read my story. My wife, Jaimie, of 14+ years, had a new baby daughter recently, with another man, that no one knew about.
Being a family with five sons, it often elicits a jaw drop or two. I have been married to my wife Jaimie since December 7, 2008 (14+ years ago). Like most families, we have had struggles with finances, but have always been able to put food on the table and a roof over our heads. While we may not have always had sunshine and rainbows, things were happy. So, when Jaimie came home with a new baby girl, that is not mine and no one knew about, you can imagine my shock.
On June 1, 2023, Jaimie came home, after disappearing for well over a day (the first time this has ever happened) with a brand-new baby girl. I was working from home that day and just logged off work. I walk down the stairs to the cries of an infant. Turning the corner into the living room, there Jaimie sits holding a newborn child, with my sons gathered around. My little three sons were all smiles and excited about their new, “baby sister,” as they kept saying. My oldest two sons just looked at me with unsure expressions. Jaimie avoided my presence, and I just stood there silent, soaking in the moment. After several beats, I finally asked whose child, it was. “Mine,” she replied. “What do you mean yours?” I question. “It’s my baby girl,” she says matter-of-factly as if I am a fool for questioning. I ask the boys to go upstairs, trying to shield them from unnecessary trauma for as long as possible. “Who is the father?” I ask, daring her to speak the truth. “Obviously, not yours,” she pushes the ball back in my court. In a fit of anger, I compared her to my biological mother, who ripped my childhood (and much of my adulthood) to shreds with the same, exact, selfishness. In a whirlwind of every emotion I could think of, and many I am sure I missed, I walked away and called my father, who lived this exact hell 30 some years before.
Through all of this, I have been asked all kinds of questions. The two biggest are:
• You didn't know she was pregnant?!
• How are the boys?
"You didn't know she was pregnant?!" This is a question I know you are asking because I've been asked it at nauseum. For the past two+ years we have worked opposite shifts. Jaimie works nights, with me working days. We never spent longer than maybe 30 min a day around each other for years. Our focus has been solely on our sons. I admit, I should have paid more attention.
"How are the boys?" I've been trying to keep things as normal as possible for my son. My little three sons are too young to know what is going on and just seem to enjoy their new baby sister (when she's not crying). My oldest two seem to be navigating their emotions for their mother. Something we will always be working on, I think.
So here we come to it, the need. In Arizona, a no-fault state, the average cost of divorce per Google and discussions with my attorney is about $20,000. As you may understand, I do not have $20,000 just waiting to be used, nor am I comfortable even asking for that. The lack of needed money to protect my sons and me has been a constant worry. Until a very dear friend suggested I try GoFundMe.
So, I turn to you, a random stranger who may never know me, to ask for your incredibly generous donation of anything you're willing to give, or whatever you feel appropriate. My goal in this, as it has been for the past 14 years, is to protect my sons against unearned hell. They are being forced to grow up in a childhood similar to mine, which was less than ideal. Any parent who may have endured similar pains knows how heartbreaking that is. Even now as I write this, knowing they have this life ahead of them, tears cloud my vision, making it challenging to type.
I am a father of five, I work full time and have been since I was 12. I am enrolled in college and have classes starting in a few weeks. I have been trying to fit it in ever since I got out of the Navy, where I served on active duty for 8 years (with one combat deployment). I have been working to give my children the best life I can. Please help me to not let the actions of one selfish individual ruin everything I have spent over a decade trying to create.
If you want to support but find yourself as many of us do, unable to contribute, simply spreading this message and link as far and wide as possible, is all I could ask and hope for.
I appreciate you for reading this far.
With respect, Braddley.
Braddley Waldman
Mesa, AZ