Help me raise funds for Mummy's Star
I will be running the Manchester 10K to raise money in aid of Mummy's Star. Mummy's star provide valuable support to mum's and their families where mum's have been diagnosed with cancer during or shortly after pregnancy.
As a mum myself I feel very passionately about supporting a charity that is providing an essential service to families at what would be arguably the most traumatic circumstances.
Mummy's star will provide emotional, psychological and financial support for affected families, this could be via a grant to families struggling with unexpected cancer-related costs or by having one to one support with a Mummy's Star representative to help navigate their way through cancer treatment and beyond. If a cancer diagnosis is tragically incurable, Mummy's star will also assist in providing end of life support for the whole family, including physical support ensuring the correct end of life care is given, practical support with financial and organisational matters and of course emotional support including memory making.
Two women a day are diagnosed with cancer in or around pregnancy. Mummy's Star are the only charity in the UK and Ireland specifically supporting these amazing families. We would all love to see a day when cancer and pregnancy are not words used together, but Mummy's star provide support to mum's and their family through this extremely traumatic situation.
Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
Grace Xx

Grace Barlow
Mummy's Star