Help me to afford necessities for a month
Hi, I'm Mckenzie and recently, after a lifetime's worth of conflict and a strained relationship, I've been financially cut off from my parents.
I've been living alone on my own for the past year, and while I've been able to afford it with the help of my savings, I'm moving to a new place and the cost is going to completely drain me. As of recently, my hours at work have been drastically reduced for the summer season and I've been unable to find work elsewhere. While I will probably be able to afford the rent and fees with the new place, I will be out of work for the first week or two as I wait for my new job to let me in. I'll be extremely financially strained (as I have been for the past few months) and probably won't be secure enough to afford food or furniture (most of my current belongings are owned by my current landlord).
I am unable to rectify my situation with my parents at this moment as it stems deeply from things neither of us is willing to compromise on - namely, my existence as a lesbian and my need to live honest and true to myself, and their deep-seated religious beliefs. For that reason as well, I am also unable to ask my extended family for financial aid.
I ask for donations just to be able to adjust and function properly in my new apartment in a new city - once I am working and making a livable wage, I should be set to live, at the very least, semi-comfortably. I just need help getting there.
Thank you.