Healing and Aftercare
Ensuring Ease and Aftercare for Black people is #actualantiracism
Aftercare is a forgotten part of truthtelling and activism efforts. It's simply not discussed. The emotional toll it takes, the breaks from work, the walking around like a zombie, the gaslighting and the tangible lost wages....folks who truthtell aren't
just tired, they are WEARY. We don't want to just exist. We want and deserve
Let's make it simple and redistribute some resources to the folks you learn from. If you're still reading then you're here for rest without restriction and I love
you for it.
A quick overview of the campaign:
I'll be running this campaign for the next month. I will keep half of everything raised. This will almost cover the state grant my son lost when I told his white principal not to tone police me. As most of you know if you've been following my Instagram, she ended his contract the same day. Despite two years of advoacy we still lost his $50,0000 state scholarship. Why? Because this woman has ties to the governor's office which oversees the grant. Whiteness is a system that will always protect itself. Fighting against it takes tremendous strength, resilience and courage. The folks that do it also teach along the way. It's a lonely path to do right, because it's right, consistently.
The remaining money will be divided down into mini grants of $5000, which will be distributed to
Black women and gender non conforming folks who will use it to do as they see fit. A part of divesting from white norms is embracing that Black folks know what they need and that no on needs to prove intent when it comes to creating something beautiful.
No restrictions on funding Black dreams. What a freaking concept to embrace.
Maybe its seed money to start a business.
Maybe it will pay for therapy sessions.
Maybe it will be put towards the down payment on a house.
Maybe it will be for a first trip outside of the country, when its safe to travel again.
Maybe it's weekly massages, or reiki on a regular basis.
Maybe it's peace of mind money, saved for the next time we can't work because of racialized harm at work or a hospital experience.
Maybe it's for a collective retreat, a space for community healing and laughter.
Respite should not be a luxury. Read that again. But it often is for folks on the front lines educating. Enlightening. Risking health, money, time, safety. Who cares for them? Who invests in our well being, so we can "be"?
To be clear - donations to this particular go fund me are not reparations. This is a tangible, collective effort and opportunity which pairs nicely with the thousands of "thanks for your labor" comments we get. It says " You're worth more than your labor. We love you. You're enough. The mental toll it takes to exist in a Black body....it's a lot.
This is a collective opportunity to invest in Black people, that doesn't cost a lot.
If you have a little, give a little.
With love.
With #actualantiracism convictions.
And with so much gratitude that you hear me and see me, let's do this.
Megan / IG @trustmeimasocialworker