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The Three Musketeers Fundraising Site!

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To the Fundraising Support Website of THE THREE MUSKETEERS!
From here on out, this site will be dedicated to supporting the needs of our family as we set up shop in South Carolina during this transition.

We are currently in a period of displacement, making at least a temporary home in SC after many years in NYC. This move has come unexpectedly. While we are healthy, safe, and secure, we could use your support. Will you consider partnering with us during this period of transition? 
For the immediate future,
Mommy Musketeer is working on homeschooling her children and mothering them in their emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual transitions from NYC life to country life and everything in between (and all the unexpected that comes up). As well, I'm working to prepare myself for the future and to rebuild a life for our family. If you are able to support us, please donate, please reach out. I am not too proud to realize that literally I will not get by except by the Grace of God, and I am SO thankful for the tangible support and provision He provides, generously, and without looking at me to qualify! There have been times I have been overcome with the desire to help others, even when I didn't have the resources. These days, I am overcome with passion for sure, but it is to raise my children and be the best version of who God has created me to be that I CAN BE. I want to steward well all gifts and resources He lends to us. Any support you give toward us will go to allowing God to transform our broken lives into His new creation, to providing for the medical needs of my children as well as their physical and emotional and mental needs. Currently, because of the goodness of God and generosity of many and their constant care, my children are thriving, and I find myself sustained by joy. Thank you for your prayers, and thank you for all of your lovingkindness! 

Mommy Musketeer!

Spring/summer girl clothes- 3T
Spring/summer boy clothes- 6 /7 in shirts or 7 in pants.

Medical Needs:
dentist visit,
primary care check-up,
recurring visits for occupational therapy
recurring visits with children's mental health specialist

primary visit

Medical Bills:
-around 6k at the moment

Car Maintenance-
my car needs to go into the shop and have some adjustments with the amount we use it down here.

Community Fund:
Eli is going to begin soccer hopefully, and I will look into spring/summer activities for both of their socialization.

Travel/Moving Expenses: 
At some point we will be traveling to and from NY to move more of our personal belongings here or into storage. 

For More Detailed information about the circumstances surrounding this transitional period of our lives, please feel free to visit our Give In Kind page and subscribe for personalized video updates as well as to follow:

Final Transformation- WELCOME to the Fundraising Support Website of THE THREE MUSKETEERS,
the name Eli has given to himself, Eden, and me. From here on out, this site will be dedicated to supporting the needs of our family as we set up shop in South Carolina and transition into supporting ourselves. For the immediate future, Mommy Musketeer is working on homeschooling her children and mothering them in their emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual transitions from NYC life to country life and everything in between (and all the unexpected that comes up). As well, I'm working to prepare myself for the future and to rebuild a life for our family. If you are able to support us, please donate, please reach out. I am not too proud to realize that literally I will not get by except by the Grace of God, and I am SO thankful for the tangible support and provision He provides, generously, and without looking at me to qualify! There have been times I have been overcome with the desire to help others, even when I didn't have the resources. These days, I am overcome with passion for sure, but it is to raise my children and be the best version of who God has created me to be that I CAN BE. I want to steward well all gifts and resources He lends to us. Any support you give toward us will go to allowing God to transform our broken lives into His new creation, to providing for the medical needs of my children as well as their physical and emotional and mental needs. Currently, because of the goodness of God and generosity of many and their constant care, my children are thriving, and I find myself sustained by joy. Thank you for your prayers, and thank you for all of your lovingkindness! 

Mommy Musketeer!

Sneak Peak of Eli's dance moves!

To my supporters, monetarily and relationally- here is the December update. If you would, would you consider sharing my fundraiser, medium, or blog on social media? That's a big ask, for me, and takes guts, but I'm starting to realize in all of this, that God is restoring my own hope, faith, and salvation... that is how I am ABUNDANTLY living... and it's creating space not only to feel blessed by God but to BE A BLESSING to others. I'm amazed, since I'm a mess right now and don't feel very much equipped to bless anyone, but somehow, I keep getting told that... what a blessing it is, that I'm being honest about my neediness. I guess it just echoes what I already feel like MUST be true. I'm not that unique. This is human experience. God has just released me from the shame of talking about it because, well, of the Gospel. He's given me life, ABUNDANTLY. And I will live because He lives. Thank you for donating or supporting, or just stopping by. Thank you for praying. Will you share that you might be a blessing with me? Thank you!

November Update:

So October happened, taking me by complete surprise. I expected it to look one way, God’s given me a story to tell that is turning into more than I expected, AND it keeps developing, SO I’m back again to do what I don’t like to do, namely, ask for HELP. HELP ME KEEP LIVING this new way of LIFE and help me WRITE about it, PLEASE. 

It has been 23 days since the last donation to Help MeginLea LIVE.  THANK YOU for your support!
What I accomplished: much reading, A LOT OF WRITING (yet to be shared), much study, and some UNEXPECTED LIVING.

List of Ongoing Expenses updated:
Raised as of today through GoFundMe and cash donations: 1,500. Total Needed (itemized below): At least another $2500 to $3800, but I'm going to set the bar low because I don't like asking for help! 
---Babysitting: $500:  
because apparently my mom and brother-in-law can't watch the kids for me all day every day. So the additional money would pay for somewhere between 25 and 30 hours additional babysitting over 2 months. 
---Travel Expenses: $1000
(hoping it will end up less) We will be temporarily re-locating kids, dog, our car, and myself to my father's house through mid January. Jesse will fly back and forth as he is able. So this would cover: flights, gas, shipping costs for or replacing of certain items because there is much to bring as my dad's house is not equipped for children, and driving a U-Haul is outrageously expensive. I hope the cost will be under $1000 in the end.  
---Homeschool Expenses: $300
I didn’t get into this in my previous updates, but I am joining some online programs to replace his current co-ops for a few months.
---Medical/Healthcare: $2000
I plan to share more about this in time, but there are medical needs that have arisen for our family that are adding up and will continue to for a few months. 
Total: $3,800 additional funds. I am not looking to raise the total amount because, well honestly, it's hard enough to ask for ANYTHING. 

A little more information ABOUT why we need these funds: Truncated version here; longer version on medium  and blog 

October, and "this life," however, did not turn out to be what I thought it would be! Instead of writing in an NYC coffee shop while college students watched my kids, I have ended up in South Carolina for the majority of the month, and we’ve incurred more costs than mere babysitting.  But through these unforeseen circumstances, God has set in motion more than giving me time and space to write about church, ministry, politics, or the deconstruction of faith. He’s broadened the scope, and I desire to share it. I still desire to write about all my provocative topics because they matter to me, and they are topics that must be broached if we claim to be believers, whether we live in NYC or small town South Carolina. Nonetheless, the framework through which I may present these discussions seems to be shifting by the hand of God's sovereign plans about which He rarely consults with us. This story is becoming more PERSONAL than I originally intended, and I believe most certainly it is BECAUSE God is a PERSONAL God, and CHRIST a personal savior.

So I’m reviving this support-raising because I will need it in the next few months. And whatever keeps unfolding, I know God wants to use it FOR His GLORY and HIS GOOD.

Will you partner with me, in faith? Will you become part of this story? With God guiding it, I believe it can bring the nations together even, as that has been my heart's prayer over and over since I was just a young disciple… "Lord God, use my experience, whatever it may be, to help those in need, wherever you take me... here, there, overseas, anywhere." And that’s what I’ve watched God do in my life already, as this small-town, Caucasian, high maintenance Georgia girl ended up flying to Hong Kong as she worried about how she'd manage to use her hair dryer and paint her nails, but then FOUND God's mission for her life then, studying world cultures and walking with young teens.  Doing so required me to be a living sacrifice then, and the deep waters God is bringing me through at this moment require me to continue that mission of being HIS, entirely, AND LIVING SACRIFICIALLY for Him, for HIS GLORY and HIS GOOD... and (though it requires faith to believe it) for my good too. There is no other purpose, but CHRIST, for me at least. There is nowhere else to go, and that in itself is good… better than I could have hoped. Amen. 

October's Original Post:

Okay, okay, I confess; the title is a bit dramatic. I'll rephrase it. "Help MeginLea live ABUNDANTLY," and "please," but before I go, allow me to explain ....

Life has become bleak without space to engage, and so certainly one could say it lacks ''abundance.'' All of our stories build up, but we've no time to tell them or process what is happening to us! Deconstructionism is the newest religion because most have been ruminating for too long in a false faith. So I am looking to raise funds to buy myself SPACE and TIME (aka babysitters) so that I can be momentarily free of diapers, dogs, sippy cups, snacks and potty training in order to read and to study, to write and to think, to serve the community and to BE the change I want to see. As well as, of course, to share it all with you... because my story IS your story, believe it or not. After 2020, everyone feels traumatized. The culture shapes us whether we want it to or not, whether we are liberal, conservative, progressive, protestant, emergent, republican, democrat, faithful or faithless. The playing field is level, and that is part of the reason the time is now even. The harvest is plentiful, but many of the laborers are leading people astray. I know. I've been led astray, and probably led others astray at times myself. SO join with me to create something of eternal value, something life-giving.  

Help me live ABUNDANTLY. And no, I don't mean "help me buy more diet cokes, shoes, purses, and pizza." That sounds great and all, but I've had my share, and it doesn't fill me up. There is more to life... namely JESUS. My goal is to fund childcare for 10 to 12 hours a week for at least one month. I will spend my time studying, reading, reflecting, writing, serving in the community in different capacities, and seeing what God does, promising to share anything that develops with you all. As well, Jesse and I set up some structures to keep the funds accountable and set apart from the pizza and pocketbooks. Feel free to inquire for more information on that if you'd like as well as peruse the blog  and medium  for samples 
I also say this is our story because most of my readers, and anyone who would donate toward other people watching my children, are inevitably people who have already shaped and formed me into who I am today. Don't worry. I'm not looking to out any of your darkest secrets, at least not without permission :). I've learned a few lessons along the way.

But in all seriousness, God's theme over my life seems consistently to return to comforting others with the comfort which He has given me, to binding up the broken hearted in the ways He has shown me to bind and how He has binded me. Developing a relationship with Christ AS WELL AS calling out the lies and abuses in our broken world, families, systems, cultures, AND churches literally sets free the captives, from the places where I have been held captive as well. I want to testify, with my fellow sojourners, that this world is not our home, but that we do have somewhere we are going... and what's more. We have GREAT WORTH, and purpose, and a God who deals with us tremendously.
I'm picking October because it is my birthday month; thus it allows me to feel a little less self-serving, which, by the way, I COMPLETELY feel by doing this. Let me tell you... I have not felt this exposed since childbirth... yup. Just went there.
So there you have it friends, my humble request... help me live abundantly... !! Buy me some time!! Time to spend living with Jesus outside of homeschool and family responsibilities, for which I am thankful, but for which I have realized I am in need of more ALONE time in order even to be able to DO well at all! Continuing education... apparently a thing for stay-at-home mom's too.... and DEFINITELY a thing for disciples of Christ. Our giftings only get us so far before they give out and leave us stranded. Thankfully, Jesus can walk on water... Of course He can; He made it!
Jesus came that we might have life and have it abundantly. Can you imagine that? But that's the kicker- ...JESUS came... AND JESUS is the abundant life... and hopefully that's what all of this will yield, a result of a life more pointed to Jesus,  a vine with more fruit, of abundance for the glory of God. This isn't about me, after all, or even any of you, although I am asking for your money. Still, this is all about God and His glory... if it's not, then it's rubbish. I know it's true. The bible tells me so.
me in my new office- our bedroom, where I set up shop half the time. The other half of the time, you'll find me somewhere around the LES drinking coffee or diet coke....and carrying a lot of bags, books, the laptop, journals, bibles, and water bottles- you know... just the essentials :)


  • Audrey Freeman
    • $100
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $300
    • 3 yrs
  • Erin Smith
    • $10
    • 3 yrs
  • Amanda Owens
    • $200
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $50
    • 3 yrs


Megin Lea Eng
Gaston, SC

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