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Help Mekhi Attend Morehouse College!

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I am Mekhi Smith, and I am thrilled to embark on my next chapter as a freshman at Morehouse College, graduating in the Class of 2027. My intended field of study is Business Administration, and I am filled with enthusiasm as I anticipate the exciting journey ahead. During my time in middle school, Dr. Artesius Miller (my mentor) served as a great inspiration to me. Witnessing his achievements in life opened my eyes to the significance of higher education, providing me with a fresh perspective. Dr. Miller spoke highly of Morehouse College, his alma mater, explaining how it played a pivotal role in shaping him into the person he is today. It was this influence that ultimately led me to choose Morehouse for my own educational path. One of my aspirations upon graduating is to establish a successful career in human resources, and I believe that Morehouse College will serve as an excellent foundation for achieving this goal. I sincerely appreciate any help that you can provide in helping me to do just that!

Spendenteam (2)

Mekhi Smith
Morrow, GA
Koyia White
Team member

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