Help MGC replace its hot water heater
Tax deductible
Thanks to everyone for your generosity! We exceeded our goal so have disabled further donations. The extra funds will be applied towards other needed repairs in the shop. Thanks again!
On a cold January day, the hot water heater at MGC gave out, leaving us with only cold water. Replacing the heater is a large and unexpected expense, and one we can't work into our budget. So we're appealing to the members and friends of MGC to help us raise funds for its replacement. Hot water is crucial for proper cleaning, especially in this time of COVID.
This past year has been a momentous one for MGC, as we've reopened and gotten classes and programming rolling again. This couldn't have happened without the support of our members and friends. We appreciate all you've done and ask you to please help us continue to provide a safe and supportive space for all printmakers.
Your donation is 100% tax deductible.
A quick note on how we established our fundraising goal:
Estimated cost of hot water heater and parts: $350
Estimated cost of installation/labor: $350-$400
Shipping and Miscellaneous expenses: $50
Ongoing Maintenance: $100
Processing Fees: $30-$50
On a cold January day, the hot water heater at MGC gave out, leaving us with only cold water. Replacing the heater is a large and unexpected expense, and one we can't work into our budget. So we're appealing to the members and friends of MGC to help us raise funds for its replacement. Hot water is crucial for proper cleaning, especially in this time of COVID.
This past year has been a momentous one for MGC, as we've reopened and gotten classes and programming rolling again. This couldn't have happened without the support of our members and friends. We appreciate all you've done and ask you to please help us continue to provide a safe and supportive space for all printmakers.
Your donation is 100% tax deductible.
A quick note on how we established our fundraising goal:
Estimated cost of hot water heater and parts: $350
Estimated cost of installation/labor: $350-$400
Shipping and Miscellaneous expenses: $50
Ongoing Maintenance: $100
Processing Fees: $30-$50
Manhattan Graphics Center
Jersey City, NJ
Manhattan Graphics Center