The Polish Viking Mike needs our help
Donation protected
We are trying to raise funds for the rehabiltation of Michal Zdrojek (of former Narrow Boat Trip Company, Bosworthcruises Ltd).
Michal Zdrojek aka POLISH VIKING MIKE, suffered from a serious brain injury in October 2022. He needs all the help he can get to recover.
Michal devoted his life to the British Waterways, Canals and love for boats, he was always helping others.
Engine issues, prop fells or gearbox replacements? Not a problem! Mike was the pillar of boating community.
In 2018 he saved a live of Graham (now 72) who was drowning. 7 minutes in water face down. Graham, the longest resident of Gas Street Basin is fine and well now.
Can we make the good come back to Mike, who would give you the shirt off his back?
Read Michal story in PDF: https://f6b7528e-9728-4139-a91a-8ace6e9758fd.usrfiles.com/ugd/f6b752_9a1dc033e95f4358a41a37a1164f0074.pdf
If you want to read the longest story not-so-short- follow this link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iu2wmntaSbOEqpijS5BsPtI3L7WAwNiQ/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115708595743184145720&rtpof=true&sd=true

Robert Zdrojek