Help Mighty Maya Crush Cancer!
Help Maya and her family crush cancer!!!
Maya Dronca is a fun, smart, loving Bolles 1st grader. Maya has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. She is currently receiving Proton therapy in Minnesota. She will be going through chemotherapy and radiation to try to kill the tumor. Roxanna and Serban, her parents have stopped their whole lives and temporarily moved their family up to MN, for treatments for Maya for the next several weeks. Maya’s loving parents will both remain by her side throughout this horrible ordeal.
Our idea for the go fund me account would help alleviate any financial burdens (medical expenses, travel, food, lost income, rentals)
her stressed parents incur during this devastating time. Let us help relieve some of that
worry as they have enough on their plate.
There is no donation too small. If you are unable to donate, please continue to share her