Help Mikayla Walk Again Hip Surgery and Recovery
Hello everyone! Some of you may know me and some of you may not, my name is Mikayla and I’m from Gilbert, Az. I’m a model and dancer who up until recently, worked 3 jobs and went to school in NYC. I graduated college from the scholarship program at Alvin Ailey in 2018 and my last semester of school I experienced an injury that physical therapy just couldn’t fix. Fast forward 3 years worth of chronic lower back and pain in both legs, doctors visits, ortho specialists, nerve specialists, ct scans, X-rays, ultrasounds, nerve blocks, pt and chiropractic care, cortisone shots (you name it I’ve had it done.) The result was never substantial up until April of this year when I moved back home to Arizona and saw a new Ortho. A torn right labrum; which while I’m so thankful to finally have a diagnosis, was not the best thing I could hear. All I could be told was it “might go away on its own, might have to do surgery.” But I finally found a surgeon that wanted to partake in a surgery on my crazy right hip! Mind you, I had already spent two years trying to find a surgeon that wanted to do a hip surgery on a 23 year old I’ve had chronic pain since starting dance in college and got to the point where I had to put my health needs on the back burner and put paying my rent on the front. I danced until I broke (literally, ask anyone lol) and now I’m finally allowing myself time to take several seats and HEAL. It’s officially two days pre-op and fighting back and forth to even get this surgery scheduled (non emergent surgeries were postponed this year due to covid) has given me the utmost difficulty/ anxiety and tested my patience in ways way past where I’m comfortable. Last minute fees and co pays are piling up to what seems as no end. What started as a couple hundred dollars in bills easily turned into thousands.This go fund me will help support me towards medical bills pre op, go towards surgery and anesthesiology bills, as well as after care. Specific medical machines and Ice pump necessary for proper post surgery recovery . This will help go towards 8 weeks of physical therapy 3x a week and recurring follow ups with an orthopedist until I’m completely cleared to walk and maybe finally dance again! I’m always being told by my mother that I have an army behind me and it’s taken a lot of humbling moments to get here. I know a lot of people can relate to not wanting to ask for help when they need it. Anything you can give will help me reach my goal and restart my life.
Looking forward to dancing with y’all soon!
xoxo, Mikayla