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Help Miki Mayhem with medical bills

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On August 28, Miki fell from a 15 foot ladder while helping to build the Pyramid at Burning Man. She broke her pelvis in 2 places & fractured her sacrum. She has 2 long screws in her left hip, 2 medium screws in her right hip, a plate with 4 small screws in her pelvis. She also dislocated her elbow with compound fractures and broken humourous, and 5 broken ribs.

She will be stuck in Reno for a while, at least 12 weeks and won't be able to walk for quite some time.

We are raising money to help pay for some of the medical cost and Air transport from burning man to the hospital.

Miki says   "Thank you to all that have sent love and good wishes to me"


  • Stef Mariani
    • $20
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Anna Alioto-Hogan
Menlo Park, CA
Angela Mattes

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