Help Milena beat cancer
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*Tekst na srpskom je ispod engleskog*
It is in the spirit of our religion to hope, to believe and to stand through all temptations with bravery and dignity. Sometimes a man must stop and ask himself how little is actually enough for each person to be happy. Sometimes, it means just to be healthy, to be close to our family, to share with them all nice things, to love each other and to support in hard times. Milena is a wife, and a mother of two healthy baby girls born in April of this year. Milena’s path to become a mother was not easy. After battling one malignancy her wish and strength to expand family with her husband MD Olja Bezbradica was stronger than all temptations. But, sometimes all strength and positive attitude is still not enough to cope with our life challenges. In 2017. Milena successfully finished her breast carcinoma treatment. After initial surgery she had chemotherapy and radiotherapy, Regular follow up showed that all findings were normal. After 2-3 years of her finishing her breast cancer treatment, with the consent of her oncologist, preparations for IVF were made. In October of 2020, in the clinic in Prague, transfer of the two embryos were made. Not long after, it was confirmed that Milena and Olja are expecting twins. Right after the transfer, first difficulties occurred. Her stomach started swelling, she was nauseous, started vomiting and started loosing weight. Due to her deteriorating condition, on the 04.12.2020 Milena had a surgery. Her ovaries were removed as well as part of her bowels. Terminal ileostomy was made. This time, Milena was diagnosed with colon cancer that had infiltrated peritoneum and right ovary. Taking into consideration Milena’s wish to keep the pregnancy and the consilium respected her decision. This brave mother received five cycles of chemotherapy. All while pregnant. In 33. week of pregnancy Milena had to have Caesarian section. Luckily, on the 28. of April, 2021. two beautiful and healthy baby girls were born. After giving birth Milena had to fight for her life. She continued her chemotherapy treatment supported by Avastin. Unfortunately, this medicine family has to buy because health insurance does not cover that additional medication. Avastin is the medication that keeps her illness stable and can significantly help the efficacy of the therapy she has been receiving. Official medical treatment protocols include only cytostatic therapy, without biological therapy or immunotherapy. This radically decreases perchance for the success of her treatment. Unfortunately, further therapies are possible within study or research centers that offer personalized oncological treatment in clinical studies. Among them is immunotherapy that
It is in the spirit of our religion to hope, to believe and to stand through all temptations with bravery and dignity. Sometimes a man must stop and ask himself how little is actually enough for each person to be happy. Sometimes, it means just to be healthy, to be close to our family, to share with them all nice things, to love each other and to support in hard times. Milena is a wife, and a mother of two healthy baby girls born in April of this year. Milena’s path to become a mother was not easy. After battling one malignancy her wish and strength to expand family with her husband MD Olja Bezbradica was stronger than all temptations. But, sometimes all strength and positive attitude is still not enough to cope with our life challenges. In 2017. Milena successfully finished her breast carcinoma treatment. After initial surgery she had chemotherapy and radiotherapy, Regular follow up showed that all findings were normal. After 2-3 years of her finishing her breast cancer treatment, with the consent of her oncologist, preparations for IVF were made. In October of 2020, in the clinic in Prague, transfer of the two embryos were made. Not long after, it was confirmed that Milena and Olja are expecting twins. Right after the transfer, first difficulties occurred. Her stomach started swelling, she was nauseous, started vomiting and started loosing weight. Due to her deteriorating condition, on the 04.12.2020 Milena had a surgery. Her ovaries were removed as well as part of her bowels. Terminal ileostomy was made. This time, Milena was diagnosed with colon cancer that had infiltrated peritoneum and right ovary. Taking into consideration Milena’s wish to keep the pregnancy and the consilium respected her decision. This brave mother received five cycles of chemotherapy. All while pregnant. In 33. week of pregnancy Milena had to have Caesarian section. Luckily, on the 28. of April, 2021. two beautiful and healthy baby girls were born. After giving birth Milena had to fight for her life. She continued her chemotherapy treatment supported by Avastin. Unfortunately, this medicine family has to buy because health insurance does not cover that additional medication. Avastin is the medication that keeps her illness stable and can significantly help the efficacy of the therapy she has been receiving. Official medical treatment protocols include only cytostatic therapy, without biological therapy or immunotherapy. This radically decreases perchance for the success of her treatment. Unfortunately, further therapies are possible within study or research centers that offer personalized oncological treatment in clinical studies. Among them is immunotherapy that
has to be applied abroad. It is necessary to cover part of the hospital and treatment expenses. The family has no such financial possibilities. Good news is that detailed genetic and immunohistochemically analysis of the tumor tissue, which was performed in a very advanced laboratory in Germany (Tubingen), showed that immunotherapy is a possible way of further treatment. Unfortunately, it is not available in our country. Confronted with very difficult diagnosis and prognosis, the family, and Milena herself, find strength and motivation to keep going and feel joy in every beautiful day that they spend with their two girls. Now they need support from all of us to try to win the battle against this horrible disease. We need to help Milena so these beautiful baby girls can have a happy childhood in their mother’s embrace. Let’s help this young and brave mother and wife to continue giving love to her little girls for many years to come. To give them love that only a mother can give .We are humbly asking for your donation, according to your possibilities. Help us turn this simple wish of happiness from the beginning of the text into our reality.
U duhu naše vere je da se nadamo, da verujemo i da sva iskušenja izdržimo hrabro i dostojanstveno.
Nekad čovek zastane i zapita se koliko je zaista malo potrebno svakom čoveku da bi bio srećan. Nekad samo da smo zdravo i da smo blizu porodice (i sa njima da delimo sve lepo, da se volimo, ali i da se podržavamo u teškim periodima).
Milena je supruga i majka dve zdrave devojčice rođene aprila ove godine. Milena nije imala lak put do svog potomstva, njena želja i snaga da nakon pobeđene jedne maligne bolesti nastoji da sa svojim suprugom dr Oljom Bezbradicom prošire svoju porodicu je bila jača od svih iskušenja. Nekada je sva snaga i pozitivan stav ipak nedovoljno da se izborimo sa svim životnim izazovima.
Naime Milena je 2017. godine uspešno završila lečenje karcinoma dojke, nakon operacije primala je hemioterapiju i radioterapiju. Na redovnim kontrolama svi nalazi su bili uredni. Genetskim testiranjem utvrđena je BRCA 2 pozitivnost. Nakon 2-3 godine od završetka lečenja, uz saglasnost onkologa, započete su pripreme za vantelesnu oplodnju. Oktobra 2020. godine urađen je transfer dva embriona u Klinici u Pragu, nedugo zatim potvrđena je blizanačka trudnoća. Odmah nakon transfera pojavile su se prve tegobe u vidu oticanja stomaka, mučnine, povraćanja, tečnih stolica i gubitka u telesnoj težini. Zbog pogoršanja stanja učinjena je operacija kod Milene 04.12.2020.godine kada su odstranjeni jajnici, deo creva (stavljena je terminalna ileostoma). Po dobijanju patohistološkog nalaza Mileni je dijagnostikovan karcinom debelog creva koji je zahvatio trbušnu maramicu i desni jajnik. Nakon odluke Konzilijuma i uz Mileninu želju da se trudnoća zadrži, lečenje je nastavljeno tokom trudnoće primenom pet ciklusa hemioterapije. Dana 28.04.2021. godine urađen je carski rez, rođene su dve zdrave devojčice u 33-oj nedelji trudnoće. Nakon porođaja je nastavila hemioterapiju uz primenu Avastina koji porodica kupuje jer zdravstveno osiguranje ne pokriva taj dodatni lek koji može da drži bolest stabilnom i da značajno pomogne u efikasnosti terapije. Zvanični protokoli lečenja kod Milene podrazumevaju samo lečenje citostaticima, bez biološke I imunoterapije, što znatno umanjuje šanse da se lečenje završi uspešno. Dalje terapije su moguće u okviru studijskih i istraživačkih centara koji nude primenu personalizovane onkološke terapije u kliničkim studijama, između ostalog i imunoterapije u inostranstvu, ali je neophodno pokriti deo troškova lečenja u bolnici u inostranstvu, zašta porodica nema finasijske mogućnosti. Urađena je detaljna genska i imunohistohemijska analiza tkiva tumora u naprednoj laboratoriji u Nemačkoj (Tubingen) koja je pokazala da je imunoterapija mogući način daljeg lečenja, ali još uvek nije dostupna u našoj zemlji. Suočeni sa teškom dijagnozom i prognozom, porodica i sama Milena u sebi nalaze snage i motiva da idu dalje i da se raduju svakom lepom danu provedenom uz svoje dve devojčice. Sada im je potrebna podrška svih nas da probaju i da pobede opaku bolest i da svojoj porodici i devojčicama omoguće srećno detinjstvo u majčinom zagrljaju.
Pomozimo ovoj hrabroj i mladoj majci I supruzi da, uz Božiju pomoć, još mnogo godina pruža svojim dvema devojčicama ljubav koju samo majka može da da. Molimo Vas da svako prema svojim mogućnostima pomogne da se jednostavna želja o sreći, sa početka ovog teksta, pretoči u stvarnost.
Natasa Brnjos
Lake Mary, FL