Donation protected
My name is Rob Smith. I am a verified public figure.
Like many of you, I feel completely helpless when I see the destruction happening in Minneapolis right now. No matter what your politics are, many small businesses are being destroyed right now, and they were already struggling due to the closures caused by COVID-19.
The only thing I can think to do is to use my platform to help benefit these people in any way I can. I give you my word that I will ensure that EVERY PENNY raised here goes to help these small business owners in some way.
The funds will be used to rebuild, pay employees, or, for some, to perhaps restart entirely new businesses. Nobody deserves to have their livelihood destroyed.
The world needs some love right now, and these people didn't ask for this, nor do any of them deserve to have their lives destroyed.
Please help, spread this around, and I'm counting on the big names who will see this to help guide EVERY CENT raised to where it needs to be.
So I will ensure this gets to the intended beneficiaries as follows:
A portion will be donated to a local coalition of four churches that have banded together to help buy groceries for people in need. I am in contact with each one, and will Venmo one church that will split it between the four.
A portion will be donated to a local resident I met in Minneapolis who feeds the homeless out of his own pocket and is connected to a local youth organization. That money will help him feed homeless, residents, and people in need for roughly 6 months.
The remainder will be donated to the Lake Street Council, a 501c3 Nonprofit that is designed specifically to help the small businesses on that street affected by the riots. They are decimated and shut down. All the money will be distributed to the small businesses on that block that have been affected. I visited it today. It is unreal.
I have a Chase Business Checking Account that I have created for my LLC. I will withdraw the funds into there once I close the campaign and provide screenshots as proof that the funds have been donated to the intended recipients.
I will then request that each one sends a statement to me verifying that they have received the funds, and I will post the updates here.
Thank you.
Like many of you, I feel completely helpless when I see the destruction happening in Minneapolis right now. No matter what your politics are, many small businesses are being destroyed right now, and they were already struggling due to the closures caused by COVID-19.
The only thing I can think to do is to use my platform to help benefit these people in any way I can. I give you my word that I will ensure that EVERY PENNY raised here goes to help these small business owners in some way.
The funds will be used to rebuild, pay employees, or, for some, to perhaps restart entirely new businesses. Nobody deserves to have their livelihood destroyed.
The world needs some love right now, and these people didn't ask for this, nor do any of them deserve to have their lives destroyed.
Please help, spread this around, and I'm counting on the big names who will see this to help guide EVERY CENT raised to where it needs to be.
So I will ensure this gets to the intended beneficiaries as follows:
A portion will be donated to a local coalition of four churches that have banded together to help buy groceries for people in need. I am in contact with each one, and will Venmo one church that will split it between the four.
A portion will be donated to a local resident I met in Minneapolis who feeds the homeless out of his own pocket and is connected to a local youth organization. That money will help him feed homeless, residents, and people in need for roughly 6 months.
The remainder will be donated to the Lake Street Council, a 501c3 Nonprofit that is designed specifically to help the small businesses on that street affected by the riots. They are decimated and shut down. All the money will be distributed to the small businesses on that block that have been affected. I visited it today. It is unreal.
I have a Chase Business Checking Account that I have created for my LLC. I will withdraw the funds into there once I close the campaign and provide screenshots as proof that the funds have been donated to the intended recipients.
I will then request that each one sends a statement to me verifying that they have received the funds, and I will post the updates here.
Thank you.
Organizer and beneficiary
Rob Smith
Brooklyn, NY
Robert Smith