Help Mom Get Back Home
My name is Kathleen McCabe and I am the daughter of Anne McCabe who has lived at her residence at 30 E Hartsdale Ave for the last 45 years. 3 years ago my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma and has been fighting the side-effects of chemotherapy since 2014. She is now 83 years old and raised 4 children in the town of Greenburgh.
Recently, we had a leak in our apartment bathroom 6/26/19. We then noticed a black mushroom growing through the ceiling. The super came in, opened the ceiling, and the management company (Gramatan Management) called a plumber to fix the leak. After seeing the mushroom, we urged Gramatan to call in a Mold Inspector because of my mother's compromised immune system. The Mold Inspector said there were high levels of mold throughout the apartment and we were told we had to evacuate immediately, and the residence was unlivable, but refused to release the official report.
We moved into the Crown Plaza in White Plains on July 2, 2019 with funding through my renters policy. That funding ran out Fri August 2, 2019. We have been living here day to day and have no other means of support, nor close family to live with.
Three separate demos have taken place and there has been no communications with either the management company or the landlord (Anthony Locante, Westfair Management). The only communication has been with the super who has no authority and is an employee of the Co-Op.
As things are currently, it looks like my mother will pass away somewhere alien and unfamiliar, somewhere she doesn't have a connection to, somewhere that isn't her home.
Any assistance you can give us would be greatly appreciated, and may God bless you and thank you so much for any help, and thank you to my daughter Brittany who helped me set this up!
6-8 Weeks of Temporary Housing - 10,000
Legal Fees - 10,000
Misc Expenses (animal boarding, food, transportation) - 10,000