Monet is still in recovery, still needs donations
We are Monet's friends and colleagues who care deeply about her, and she is has developed Mast Cell Activation Syndrome MCAS after contracting COVID -19 last year, exposures to the West Coast fire smoke, and toxic black mold at her home/studio. Monet has been temporarily set back 20 years in her recovery from her long time neuro-immune condition which was stable. She has lost 30 pounds, needs a wheelchair, and her current condition is critical. Because of extremely severe allergic reactions to mold, chemicals, and VOCs she's been forced in her bedridden and fragile state to camp outside in the cold and now extremely hot weather. She can't even stay in her own yard when the smoke from seasonal West Coast toxic fire smoke is present and needs to be able to relocate. Many of us have known Monet for decades. She is an amazing artist, a brilliant, caring and spiritual individual, and she needs our assistance. The good news is that with aggressive and costly medical treatments, funds for moving, and temporary lodging away from the smoke, she can pull out of her current state and get her health and life back. So please join us by making a gift for her medical care and needs!
Linda Montano Kathy Brew
Peter Shelton John Sanborn
Minnette Lehmann Penny Slinger
Liz Walsh Richard Newton
Brenda Laurel Jennifer Locke
Beau Takahara John DiLeva Halpern
Christine Shields
Climate Change, COVID, and those most vulnerable
Exposures to the terrible Climate Change fueled West Coast fire smoke last summer and toxic black mold at her studio, coupled with lingering inflammatory and immune issues from having COVID-19, and her status already as a person disabled with a neuro-immune condition, has caused Monet to developed serious allergic complications of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.
Canaries in the coal mine
In order to stabilize the Mast Cells the sufferer has to avoid offending allergens. Sadly it is common with people with advanced Environmental Illness and MCAS to camp outside because of the rareness of the specially built housing they need. Monet is universally reacting to most environments, neuro-toxic black mold, toxic smoke, formaldehyde and other outgassing building materials, cleaners, fragrances, cats, even fabrics that are synthetic, and foods. These systemic allergic reactions cause whole body inflammation, burning, itching, tingling and swelling, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, nervous system instability and inability to shut off and rest, sleeplessness, difficulty eating because of violent food allergic reactions, pressure in her chest, difficulty breathing, closed throat, weight loss/wasting, and profound exhaustion so that she needs a wheelchair. Allergic reactions can go towards anaphylaxis and be life threatening. Hospitals with their many fragranced and chemical disinfectants and cleaning products are not zero VOC and cannot accommodate people with acute Environmental Illness, but Monet is under the care of several MDs and specialists. She is receiving expensive, but effective IV therapies and much more. People like her are the ‘canaries in the coal mine’ of our toxic world, a marginalized yet growing segment of our populace.
Continuing her activist/spiritual/healing/art practice
For years Monet has funneled her circumstances into her transformative activist/spiritual/healing performance and video art practice. She feels she still has much work yet to complete in this life and is fighting hard to get better. Please join us to help her heal and continue pursuing her brilliant dreams such as her vision to create and live in a non-toxically built art center and residency in nature where artists, including those with Environmental Illness, can safely stay and realize projects.