Help MPS get their very own Ninja Warrior Course
After a few solid years of fundraising (well done MPS!) we have raised over $20,000!!! So now, it’s time to start spending. After surveying parents, teachers and students, what we have heard is the growing school community would like some new outdoor play equipment- targeted at those students in grades 4+. A Ninja Warrior course was the clear standout.
Wth that in mind, 2021 will see us working towards the goal of purchasing a ninja warrior course. We will have a number of small events this year, but you may also like to use this page to chip in to help us reach our target. Any donation - big or small- would be greatly appreciated.
The course that best meets our needs is $28520. We currently have $21223.5. This means we need to raise $7296.50 to buy and install the course this year.
We will be keeping track of our progress on this page- so make sure you check back in regularly.
We look forward to making this happen!