Help Mrs. Lightfoot Crush Cancer
My mom, Samantha Lightfoot, was diagnosed, in July of 2016 with Mononucleosis (Mono) and had to stay several days in the hospital resulting in her missing the first few days of teaching high school, which she was not pleased with. The doctors then decided that her tonsils needed to be removed due to severe swelling and infections. After running routine tests on her tonsils, they found out that she has Lymphoma Cancer (Cancer of the Lymph Nodes). As a result, my mom hasn't been able to even set foot in her classroom due to her multiple doctor visits per week and chemotherapy, which is taking a toll on her body. The family has been doing what we can to keep the family running smoothly without much help from the matriach, but it has been pretty rough. Seeing that she hasn't been able to work for months, the monthly bills are still present, and the multiple doctor bills are steadily filling every inch of the mailbox, I decided to reach out to our extended family. Everywhere I go, people are asking me about my mom be it from her students, her church members, her friends, or family. I always say that she is tougher than I thought and she is fighting cancer and is winning, which is still true, but I would like for her to JUST focus on this nasty battle against cancer and NOT all of the bills piling up. I would like for everyone who my mom has graced their presence to donate anything that you can for her because you know that she will do the same for you. She has always given to people, even if it was her last. Now it is her turn. Show your love for Mrs. Lightfoot by contribulting to the cause. Every amount will help. Let's see how far this message can go and if we can reach our goal. Winston Churchill once stated that, "We make a LIVING by what we GET, but we make a LIFE by what we GIVE." Let's give today. Forward this message to as many people as you can. Thank you all in advance for giving and your prayers!