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Help Muki Get Urgent Kidney Transplant Surgery by 9.23.24

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This GoFundMe was started to help 21 year old Muhammed “Muki” Maksud get kidney transplant surgery in Turkey. Muki was recently hospitalized and he was told by doctors that both of his kidneys are failing. Surgery cannot be performed in his birth country of Macedonia and was referred to another hospital in Turkey. If the kidneys aren't working properly, toxins and fluid can build up in the blood. Early detection of kidney disease can be life-saving.

He is currently receiving dialysis because his kidney condition will not remove waste and balance fluids from the blood which is vital to stay alive. Muki needs to urgently have kidney transplant surgery in Turkey. His biological mother will be donating her own kidney to Muki because she is a match.

Muki is 21 years old and lives in Ohrid, Macedonia with his mother. His father passed away from a long battle of kidney disease and complete kidney shutdown when Muki was a teenager.

Any and all donations are appreciated in order to help Muki. He is a lovely, resilient, smart & kind young man who has been the rock of his family once his father passed away when he was a young teenager. Our family would like for him to live a healthy & happy adult life, especially after having a challenging childhood & witnessing his father suffer for many years with this exact kidney disease.

Thank you & God Bless



Arben Meto
Wolcott, CT

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