Help my autistic daughter thrive through trauma!
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My name is Alex and I'm here to raise funds for my daughter, Zoe. She is 16, a choir soloist, a survivor of childhood trauma, autistic w/ adhd symptoms, and one of the strongest and sweetist people I know. I am raising funds for her and her mother to attend a life changing school trip next summer to Europe!
I married her mother when Zoe was seven years old. I have known Zoe all her life. They moved to Memphis to live with me when she was 5. Her mom and I went to school together at MTSU. My wife was not expecting Zoe, and as you can imagine, it was very difficult to finish college with a newborn. She went to class during the day and worked at night. Family helped as much as possible, but she still had to put Zoe in daycare, actually nightcare(at a residence), while she worked. Unfortunately, we discovered that it was at the home of her care provider where she experienced a variety of trauma. I will spare the details on the trauma, though you could probably imagaine. She was 4 at the time.
We didn't even know till they moved in with me. Zoe told us about what happened, and we were forever changed. I couldn't even imagine the mental and emotional pain of unknowingly taking my child to be abused by people you trusted. Zoe said she didn’t tell her mom because she didn't want to make her sad.
My resolve was tempered from that day forward. I would help protect and nurture this child to the best of my ability, and ensure she will be able to protect herself in the future. I refused to allow that trauma to define or truncate who she is or who she becomes.
Fast forward to age 15, Zoe was diagnosed with autism. She has a tendency to hyperfocus on things, which became an issue (as one could imagine) in high school. She spent a week in a mental health facility after threat of self harm. For those who are familiar with childhood trauma, thoughts of self harm and suicide are sadly common, and by age 15 this wasn't the first time. I'm thankful I was able to relate to this as I attempted suicide at a very young age, and helped her realized the finality of such a decision and how much she'd miss. Fundraising for this trip goes to this purpose,
to uplift a beautiful teenage girl and to help her to enjoy beautiful things in life and realize her hopes, dreams, and goals.
She has a tough time with anxiety when away from family, so I'm asking for more in order for my wife to go with her on the trip. College is around the corner, and I'm hoping with her therapies and traveling experiences, she will learn to control that anxiety and thrive on her own. We are running out of time to get her ready, and I couldn't let myself off the hook if I didn't give this a shot and have them miss out.
While there is a lot of tragedy to focus on, I'd like to give a complete picture of my amazing daughter. She is the strongest kid I know. She is a soloist in her school's aware winning choir. She was one of the rare few 9th graders asked to join the concert choir at her school! She loves to write as well, she has so many stories she's written.. its fun to hear her laugh and react to her own writings in her room lol. She does well in class, but at times loud noises and conflict can be triggering for her. She has a relationship with the school counselors and she is able to take a break from class every now and again at their office. But she never stays for very long, she always goes back to it! In middle school she was awarded best all around student. She enjoys helping other people and is always well behaved in class. She is also a member of Bridgebuilders in Memphis, a community service group focused on helping kids achieve life skills and growth to become stronger morally, realize their own power, and become... well bridgebuilders, for their community.
she is able to take a break from class every now and again at their office. But she never stays for very long, she always goes back to it! In middle school she was awarded Best All Alround Student. She enjoys helping other people and is always well behaved in class. She is also a member of Bridgebuilders in Memphis, a community service group focused on helping kids achieve life skills and growth to become stronger morally, realize their own power, and become... well bridgebuilders for their community.
She loves Disney movies and kid shows, Tik Tok, cooking, watching and playing video games, and learning about both sides of her family.
She is the type of kid who, despite several broken promises from her biological dad, still reaches out to him and forges a relationship. Obviously, when things were more new, that was an issue for me. But as I've matured, I realize that that is a beautiful quality of hers that should be cultivated, of course, with a caveat of not allowing people who break promises to take up too much of her focus.
The trip occurs, ironically, the year of our 10th wedding (and family) anniversary. The 10th anniversary of when these two ladies officially made me whole, and have grown me in ways I couldn't imagine. My wife has always dreamed of visiting Italy, more specifically the Amalfi Coast. I would love for her to be able to experience this trip with our daughter. She endures so much as a parent of course, but with these added wrinkles one can only imagine the way it changes a person. She deserves to give herself a break. I imagine this to be an amazing and cathartic experience for the both of them.
To sum up here, I really just want to show Zoe there are so many beautiful things in life worth living for, and that she can achieve her life goals and dreams with effort and determination. I've given her the condition for this trip that she'll need to put in 1,000 of her own in order to go. I don't want her relying on others for things. Unbeknownst to her, I'll take her 1,000 and put it in her college fund.
Any donation will help bring us closer to our goal. I'm so grateful to you all, whether you donate or just send up a prayer and send positive thoughts or way. Thank you for reading!
Fundraising team (5)
Alex Walker
Lenow, TN
Christopher Polk
Team member
David Cunningham
Team member
Halima Moses
Team member
Tamara Walker
Team member