Help My Friend Flee From Military Conscription!
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Hello, friends! I am here to raise funds for my best friend to flee to Germany and escape the grips of military conscription for the horrendeous war that Russia is waging against Ukraine. My friend does in no way support this war and therefore also does not want to be forced to partake in it.
He was already forcefully conscripted from the Summer of 2022 until the Summer of 2023, which stole him the chance to even get university education back then, so the danger of him being drafted for a second time is dangerously high. Because he had already served in the military for a year against his will, the Russian military is more likely to draft him again as they prefer people with experience.
There is no way for people who are drafted to refuse it.
If he goes back to Russia but refuses to join the military, he will go to jail.
If he does not refuse, he might die in the trenches.
If he stays in Georgia without money, he might die on the streets.
For now, he has fled to Georgia with extremely little money on his hands and is now forced to live a terribly frugal life while trying his best to prepare for a German and English exam which are crucial for him to get accepted to a German university.
In Munich he has relatives who are willling to provide him housing once he arrives, but unfortunately they do not have the means to give him financial aid concerning the costs of the language exams, the university fees, visa and plane ticket as well as the general costs of living in Georgia and many more hidden costs. He has to spend at least another 2 months in Georgia but his savings, which were extremely low to begin with, are starting to run low very quickly. Since he never had the chance to receive formal higher education nor is able to get a working permit in Georgia, he is struggling to make money on his own. And since his whole family is in a terrible financial situation due to the current war, even financial support from their side is hardly possible.
Please help my friend pay the necessary standards for a life in dignity and peace away from any war and inhumanely brutal military forces. Please give him a chance to live and flourish.
For some more info on Russian military conscription, feel free to read these articles:

Heartfelt regards,
Maria Dauenhauer
Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg