Help my friend replace their items lost during Ida
I'm Casey Carpenter from Montclair, NJ. This is my first time doing this. I'm fundraising for a close friend who is so humble and private they would never ask for help...and they give so much to others, it's time for them to receive. This person gave permission for me to update this and to tell their full story. Hoping you can help replace items as well as fund a NEW CAR.
On a gorgeous fall Sunday last November, they were driving West on I-280. Pulling onto the shoulder to retrieve something from the glove box, the next thing they knew, paramedics were reviving them and trying to get them to sit up in their car. Apparently the doctors later discovered an issue between the heart and the brain, which caused this person to pass out. They had pulled over without putting the car in park. The car rolled off the highway, down an embankment, hit a few trees and one tree branch went completely through the windshield. Had they still been sitting up, they would have been killed. As fortune had it, they were slumped over the passenger seat.
After being admitted at Morristown Memorial for a week, they were discharged, and did not have a car. Doctors ordered them not to work, so they had no income for six months, and survived on what unemployment they could file for and good friends running errands for them, sending food, etc.
They finally were back at work two months ago...and had to move from where they had been staying. They fortunately found an apartment. Things seemed to be on the upswing...the doctors managed the brain/heart episode with meds, they were working and feeling better. And now THIS:
At the time of the Hurricane Ida storm surge, this person and several others were at work in downtown Montclair, NJ. It all happened so fast. They became trapped in a building adjacent to this flooded parking lot. They tried to push their way out of the building but the water pressure was too strong. The doors would not open. They realized they were trapped inside...the water kept rising (you can see how deep it is in this parking lot) and the same started happening inside this building.
They had no option except to go to a higher floor...they were afraid to go back downstairs as there were too many electronics plugged in and they were fearful of being electrocuted. Can you imagine how scared you would be if this were you? This person saw their car float away with the storm surge...the car was slammed back into the parking lot with the next wave of the "river." They spent a tough night sleeping on the floor in wet clothes. **THE CAR IN THE PHOTO IS NOT THEIRS. IT'S AN EXAMPLE TO SHOW YOU WHAT WAS HAPPENING AT THE TIME.**
Finally they were able to get out of the building the next afternoon. This person lost everything in their car -- expensive equipment, clothing...all of which are needed for their work as they are a self-employed contractor. I'm sure the rental is totaled after all that. They got home and were sobbing with exhaustion, confusion, and relief.
Rental car insurance coverage, if anything, is limited, and will take too long. The car rental agency gets the cars from Newark Airport...which was flooded. So they can't get a car.
I know there are a lot of people needing help right now. If you could kindly give something, a lot of "somethings" put together will make a tremendous difference for this person and they can replace their belongings. I'VE INCREASED THE LIMIT ON THIS CAMPAIGN SO THAT WE CAN HELP FUND A NEW CAR. This person understandably feels so defeated -- like they take one step forward and five steps backwards. I'd at least like to help them replace their belongings and find a pre-owned car. Thank you.