Help my, sister, daughter, auntie, stay alive
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Hello, my name is Stephanie Mueller, this is a very difficult thing for me to do since I am a very private person and our family is very private. I’m here to ask friends, family and associates, or whoever would like to help save a life Here is your chance. My sister Arlene, a few years back was diagnosed with breast cancer, and shortly after that, was diagnosed with breast cancer on her other side, which led to a double mastectomy. Arlene went through rounds of treatment with radiation and chemo. Through this process, this made her bones very weak, which she ended up having shoulder surgery, because she did not have use of her shoulder. She needs another shoulder replacement because of the damage that chemo and radiation has put on her body. Now for the hard part, we just found out that she has a blood disorder which could lead to bone cancer, and or leukemia, which could potentially take her life. There is a solution for all this, and this is why I have come to all you to help out, because of the expense. There is a product that will help her heal from all this, but it is very expensive. This product is shipped from another country. It is how many people got through similar situations that were like this and healed them. I know people are in hard places right now, but I am humbling myself to come to you, friends, family, and even strangers to help save a life, my sisters life. I cannot tell you how urgent it is. I do not want to lose my sister, another family member. she has so much life ahead of her, and she is such an amazing, wonderful, loving soul. I pray on God’s grace that there will be people who will be able to help and to see that there is something more out there than beyond what they see in front of them, I will keep you up-to-date on how she is doing in treatment. Please help our family! I do not come to you lightly. This is from the heart and soul of my being that I’m asking you. I want to thank each and everyone of you who help save her life . God’s blessings, prayers are needed too. I know God hears and gives miracles.
Thank you Stephanie Mueller
Stephanie Mueller
Antelope, CA