Help me to take my brother away from COVID
Donation protected
English Version
Beloved friends and family, today we placed our hopes in this humble request. I believe that we together as a family and with God’s help will be able to overcome the unfortunate situation that a member of our family is facing, my Brother Oscar Belarmino Cumare. Currently, he is in a delicate state battling strongly against COVID-19 Virus. For this reason, we have the need, in a very humble but urgent way, to start a fund to get the supplies he needs today and in the future days to successfully save our Brother’s life. Oscar is a still in his golden years, very bright person that knows what he wants. His passion for life has made him to excel in sports by achieving marathons and cyclist competition.

It is very well known how challenging life in Venezuela was before the pandemic. Since COVID hit, it has been getting worse and worse. The need for medical supplies is one of the most common day to day situation and one of the most difficult tasks to achieve.
So far it is needed to raise a fund to cover multiple medicines which some are not found in Venezuela; therefore, some must be imported which make the expenses to skyrocket. Some of these medicines are Favipiravir, Ivermectin, Colchicine, Rivaroxaban, Azitromicin, etc). On the other hand, money will be spent in medical supplies like breathers, oxygen tanks, Medical test and analysis such as: CDC, Ferritin, PT, PTT, CDH, Protein C Reactive, Fibrinogen, among many others. Things like daily home visits are also an expense since hospitals are full capacity.
My hopes are very high that we together, in God’s hands, will be able to provide not only the monetary but also the moral support and good wishes needed to successfully beat this horrible virus.
It is quite understood how difficult is the current pandemic situation for every and each one of us and for that we will be extremely and forever grateful and in debt with every one of you that could help us to make this wish and hope a beautiful reality, no matter the amount donated it will be a lifetime of gratitude.
Another way that you can also contribute as much as possible is by sharing this fund raiser in an urgent manner with your relatives and friends.
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
Matthew 6:33
Version en Español
Queridos amigos, familiares y compañeros, hoy nos ponemos en contacto con ustedes esperanzados en que juntos, como familia, podamos contrarrestar la lamentable situacion en la que se encuentra un miembro de nuestra familia, nuestro hermano Oscar. Actualmente se encuentra en un estado delicado de salud luchando contra el virus del COVID-19. Por esta razon, nos vemos en la imperiosa necesidad de recaudar fondos y asi salvar la vida de nuestro hermano.
Oscar es aun joven y muy brillante. Destacado deportista, maratonista y ciclista. Es muy bien conocida la necesidad medica que existe en Venezuela, luego al agregar que estamos en tiempos de pandemia es aun mas dificil poder salvar un vida.

Por los momentos es necesario reunir fondos para cubrir todo el protocolo de medicinas (Favipiravir, Ivermectina, Colchicina, Rivaroxaban, azitromicina, etc), como tambien: respiradores, bombonas de oxigeno, examenes y analysis medicos (Perfil 20, Ferritina, PT, PTT, CDH, Proteina C Reactiva, Fibrinogeno, entre muchos otros), visitas medicas diarias, entre muchas otras cosas que al no poder conseguirse facilmente en Venezuela su costo se duplica comparado con el costo real al ser importado.
Estoy esperanzada de que juntos podremos conseguir asi, con el favor de Dios, el aporte moral y economico que Oscar necesita para salir adelante y asi lograr vencer esta terrible enfermedad.
Es bien entendido lo dificil que es esta nueva normalidad para todos y cada uno de nosotros pero les quedaremos agradecidos y en deuda por cualquier aporte que puedan hacer, sin importar el monto.
Otra forma de ayudar es, en la medida de lo posible, compartir este pedido urgente con sus relacionados y amigos. Nunca sabemos donde coloca Dios su mirada para ayudarnos.
“Mas buscad primeramente el reino de Dios y su justiciar, y todas estas cosas os serán proveídas”
Mateo 6:33

Beloved friends and family, today we placed our hopes in this humble request. I believe that we together as a family and with God’s help will be able to overcome the unfortunate situation that a member of our family is facing, my Brother Oscar Belarmino Cumare. Currently, he is in a delicate state battling strongly against COVID-19 Virus. For this reason, we have the need, in a very humble but urgent way, to start a fund to get the supplies he needs today and in the future days to successfully save our Brother’s life. Oscar is a still in his golden years, very bright person that knows what he wants. His passion for life has made him to excel in sports by achieving marathons and cyclist competition.

It is very well known how challenging life in Venezuela was before the pandemic. Since COVID hit, it has been getting worse and worse. The need for medical supplies is one of the most common day to day situation and one of the most difficult tasks to achieve.
So far it is needed to raise a fund to cover multiple medicines which some are not found in Venezuela; therefore, some must be imported which make the expenses to skyrocket. Some of these medicines are Favipiravir, Ivermectin, Colchicine, Rivaroxaban, Azitromicin, etc). On the other hand, money will be spent in medical supplies like breathers, oxygen tanks, Medical test and analysis such as: CDC, Ferritin, PT, PTT, CDH, Protein C Reactive, Fibrinogen, among many others. Things like daily home visits are also an expense since hospitals are full capacity.
My hopes are very high that we together, in God’s hands, will be able to provide not only the monetary but also the moral support and good wishes needed to successfully beat this horrible virus.
It is quite understood how difficult is the current pandemic situation for every and each one of us and for that we will be extremely and forever grateful and in debt with every one of you that could help us to make this wish and hope a beautiful reality, no matter the amount donated it will be a lifetime of gratitude.
Another way that you can also contribute as much as possible is by sharing this fund raiser in an urgent manner with your relatives and friends.
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
Matthew 6:33
Version en Español
Queridos amigos, familiares y compañeros, hoy nos ponemos en contacto con ustedes esperanzados en que juntos, como familia, podamos contrarrestar la lamentable situacion en la que se encuentra un miembro de nuestra familia, nuestro hermano Oscar. Actualmente se encuentra en un estado delicado de salud luchando contra el virus del COVID-19. Por esta razon, nos vemos en la imperiosa necesidad de recaudar fondos y asi salvar la vida de nuestro hermano.
Oscar es aun joven y muy brillante. Destacado deportista, maratonista y ciclista. Es muy bien conocida la necesidad medica que existe en Venezuela, luego al agregar que estamos en tiempos de pandemia es aun mas dificil poder salvar un vida.

Por los momentos es necesario reunir fondos para cubrir todo el protocolo de medicinas (Favipiravir, Ivermectina, Colchicina, Rivaroxaban, azitromicina, etc), como tambien: respiradores, bombonas de oxigeno, examenes y analysis medicos (Perfil 20, Ferritina, PT, PTT, CDH, Proteina C Reactiva, Fibrinogeno, entre muchos otros), visitas medicas diarias, entre muchas otras cosas que al no poder conseguirse facilmente en Venezuela su costo se duplica comparado con el costo real al ser importado.
Estoy esperanzada de que juntos podremos conseguir asi, con el favor de Dios, el aporte moral y economico que Oscar necesita para salir adelante y asi lograr vencer esta terrible enfermedad.
Es bien entendido lo dificil que es esta nueva normalidad para todos y cada uno de nosotros pero les quedaremos agradecidos y en deuda por cualquier aporte que puedan hacer, sin importar el monto.
Otra forma de ayudar es, en la medida de lo posible, compartir este pedido urgente con sus relacionados y amigos. Nunca sabemos donde coloca Dios su mirada para ayudarnos.
“Mas buscad primeramente el reino de Dios y su justiciar, y todas estas cosas os serán proveídas”
Mateo 6:33

Raquel Padron
Brandon, FL