Help Nancy Agrusa with medical needs
On January 11th of this year Nancy was diagnosed with Covid 19. As the week went on she had some minor cold symptoms but by the end of the week she developed a very bad cough. Her husband Frank took her to the hospital on Friday the 15th and they sent her home and said she wasn’t bad enough to get admitted. By Saturday morning her cough was worse and she was very pale so they returned to the hospital and she was admitted immediately and put on oxygen.
The first two weeks of her visit consisted of the doctors trying to keep her oxygen level up with different oxygen masks, humidity, laying on her stomach, etc. As the Covid Pneumonia set in, it then progressed to a Bacterial Pneumonia. On February 2nd she asked the Dr. to intubate her because she could not breath anymore. Nancy was on the ventilator and a nasogastric feeding tube for one month and during this time she suffered a stroke while in ICU. It happened in her right brain which then affected the left side of her body (she is left handed). She then had to get a tracheostomy and continued to stay in ICU till March 17th. During this time Nancy was deeply medicated, on heavy oxygen, and got a peg tube put into her stomach for feeding. On March 17th, she was admitted into In-Patient Rehab, where they were able to get her to walk with a walker and start to get some movement from her arm. She was in In-Patient Rehab till April 6th when they told her she had to leave because the hospital was having another Covid surge and they needed the room for overflow patients. She went home to do In-Home Rehab until June 3rd and now she has been doing Out-Patient Rehab ever since.
Nancy can now walk on her own without a walker, and has a little more movement from her arm. Nancy continues to have problems with the motor skills in her left hand and is still on oxygen 24 hours a day. She has also begun pulmonary therapy to help her with her lungs and wean her off the oxygen. She still needs much more therapy to get her back to her normal functioning self. Nancy still has a long road to recovery and her husband has become her full time caretaker. Frank has dropped everything and has not worked since the middle of February when he was finally allowed to be with his wife in the hospital.
The emotional and financial burden that has now fallen on this family is unimaginable. They have a very high deductible health insurance plan. Furthermore, Nancy has used up all her insurance therapy visits which now have to be paid out of pocket and there are multiple prescriptions she needs to take. We ask for your continued prayers and any form of financial support that you can spare. Any donation is greatly appreciated and will be directly deposited, by permission, into Nancy and Franks bank account to assist with her continued recovery.
Thank you and God bless you all. We appreciate all the prayers and thoughts as Nancy continues to recover.