Help Naomi live with stage 4 bowel cancer
Donation protected
Hello I’m Naomi
I’m 43 married to my lovely husband Lee we have two daughters age Summer age 10 & Lottie age 7.
My go fund me is for private immunotherapy or life extending medicines which costs £40,000 - £70,000. Here is why;
In October 2022 I suddenly became quite unwell and after lots of hospital visits I was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer which has spread to my lymph nodes and liver we finally told on Christmas Eve 2021 the same day my dad finished his radiotherapy for tongue cancer. It’s been a heartbreaking challenging time for the family.
My treatment plan was 5 days of radiotherapy and then started chemotherapy on 31st January. Half way through radiotherapy my oncologist had my PET scan results and told me I would not be eligible for surgery. I continued to have 4 rounds of chemotherapy and unfortunately they were unsuccessful and my cancer has spread in my lymph nodes and liver. I then went onto a targeted treatment Beacon which my body found hard. I managed to find a life balance with it by taking lots of supplements, Hybaric oxygen chamber, cymatic sound healing and reiki.
I have researched trials and have started an Instagram page @survivingsupportingsisterhood to raise awareness that younger people get
bowel cancer. To date I have had messages from over 70 + people who have been to the GP with symptoms. I am passionate about raising awareness for cancer learning the symptoms for not only ourselves but to be able to recognise them in others. The emphasis is often on early diagnosis but that always be the case. We need to spot even the smallest of changes in ourselves and others so we can change the devastating statistic two in one.
I did actually get my cancer stable after 7 months on Beacon. Then on 5/12/22 I caught covid and I have been in bed since with breathing issues. The oncologist would say the covid is a red herring. That the cancer had spread into my lungs just I had no presenting symptoms. I thought I had a chest infection. I was completely blind sighted to learn it is aggressive cancer spread in my lungs. This has left me un independent again. I am bed bound and unable to do much movement at all without loosing my breath. I have been told they are very worried.
I had radiotherapy just one day, one large dose as I had to get into chemotherapy the next day. This is my third line treatment.
We have done lots of researched into
Private immunotherapy and trials. We will leave no stone unturned to enhance my wellbeing, ability to manage my symptoms so I can enjoy as much time as I can with my beautiful family. This is something we had been keen on for sometime and felt we had more time as I was having surgery. We have had the meetings it’s just can we make timings and finances align.
After the unbelievable success of the raffle my sister Sj and friends organised I have been able to start the private immunotherapy path. I have had the bloods drawn 14/2 on my daughters 8th birthday and I have the infusion back in 22/2. It is a lifeline and opportunity of dreams for my family. Immunotherapy is along side my chemotherapy Folfiri. I am regaining my independence and hope to find a way a good balance of family life alongside chemotherapy.
Thanks to the go fund me I have been able to finance x3 infusions of Avastin. This is a drug that is not available on the NHS. We are not in a position to finance this drug at £1900 per infusion going forward so any donations here would be used to fund Avastin. We have been able to pay until March 2023.
Any opportunities I find I will be sharing to help others in my position I know I am not alone having a limited diagnosis and a young family.
I have felt so loved since my diagnosis. I really have. I know I am lucky to have friends and family walking this very tough path through illness with. Thank you for reading this and finding us. I have believed in miracles and it’s getting harder but I know from kindness and love I have already received that love is all you really need.
If you pray please pray for my daughters husband and family. Keep them close in your thoughts.
The world can be a very kind place and I want to be part of it for as long as I can.
Love from The Adams Family x
*All the donations to date 16/2 have now been used to pay immunicura. We hit the exact target needed and started treatment immediately.
*We paid £5700 for Avastin a drug administration alongside my chemotherapy not available on the nhs.
*Any donations will be used to fund Avastin going forward as we have been able to pay until March 2023.
Naomi Adams