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Public Interest Story - Help Natalie Walk Again!

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Please Help Natalie Walk Again Before It's Too Late!

This is a Serious Australian Public Health Interest and Warning Story ⚠️⚠️⚠️ - that happens to thousands of Australians each year, especially those who are most vulnerable e.g. Disability Pensioners (DSP) and do not have Private Health Insurance.

1. This was "NOT" a Car Accident but an act of Serious Medical Negligence, Failure in Duty of Care by GP's Overriding Expert Opinion, Failure to Release a Specialist Report Strongly Advising Against ANY Surgery and Recommending Alternative Treatment being as simple as only Weight Loss. This was for a Left Knee Medial Meniscus Tear that would have healed on its own in only 6 months time from the date of diagnosis (05/01/2023). Particularly after seeing highly regarded Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Frederick Hoe (02/02/2023).

2. This information was required so that Natalie could have had the increased Allied Health and other NDIS Support Services to help, especially with weight loss. For example, increased funding for Exercise Physiology, Physiotherapy, Dietetics, Podiatry Services, Orthotics and Recommended and NDIS Approved Exercise Shoes, which are covered under the NDIS, but Natalie was denied by her Senior NDIS Planner, despite documentation from two highly regarded podiatrists who examined her in 2021 and 2022. These would have prevented any further injury to her left knee meniscus and also improve her gait.

3. Medical Gaslighting of a Vulnerable Person with no advocate present, who was berated and ignored for reaching out to REACH by the NUM (Brittany Raj - Westmead Hospital Trauma).

4. Falsifying all Medical Records and Discharge Summaries - as a result of this Failure in Duty of Care by her GP (Dr Abie Thomas) , Orthopaedic Surgeon (Dr Bu Ballala) and Registrars (Ryan O'Keefe, Samuel Raymond), and Westmead Public Hospital. The "need" for surgery was reinforced by another GP, Dr Jason Zhou, who wanted surgery for the pathetic reason of fearing temporary pain medication would result in addiction (see his letter further down).

5. Natalie strongly maintains she was Never Physically Examined, was never able to give Informed Consent, was never told the risks, was never explained why the surgery was needed, and why Dr. Frederick Hoe's opinion was ignored. Also her Medical History was never assessed given her serious life-threatening comorbidities which further highlights the reason why this surgery should not have been performed.

6. Natalie feels she has not been able to rely on family or friends who have not been interested in helping her with this, and lamenting, tells me she feels nobody is going to care about a 54 year old Disability Support Pensioner (DSP). Having fallen through the cracks, Natalie is on the edge of losing all hope and desperately needs our help. She doesn't want to be another statistic.

7. Natalie has been desperately trying to contact the media since the 29th of April, 2023, soon after this surgery, but to no avail.

Please continue to read in the Spirit of Compassion and Empathy.

Natalie in Hornsby Hospital on the 9th of December with a sign made by her Care Workers from Disability Advanced Care Services Glenmore Park, and some of their children

Here are some videos showing Natalie before her surgery, happy, on the road to good health and living a fulfilling life:

Here are some further videos that Natalie has made more recently, in which she recounts what has happened to her, demonstrating just how badly her condition has deteriorated:

1st of December, 2023:

10th of December, 2023:

13th of December, 2023:

15th of December, 2023:
Part 1:

Part 2:

23rd of December, 2023:
Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

9th of December, 2024:

And here are some reels from her social media that she has asked me to share with you:

Why $575,000 is Needed, and How the Donated Money Will be Used:

  • Needs Medical and Physical Rehabilitation Post Left Knee Meniscectomy on 19/04/23 which has resulted in Severe Pain (10+++), inability to weight bear and plantar fascitis, cracking and locking of the knee joints (cressipitus), feeling as though the knee is going to give way, inability to bend down or straighten the leg. She now relies on mobility aids to walk.
  • A Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) consisting of Gastroenterologists, Neurologists, Cardiologists, Endocrine Specialists and Allied Health Professionals (OT, Physiotherapy Psychology) following the serious length of deconditioning, disability and being bedridden since having the totally unnecessary surgery
  • This is required in preparation for a now necessary knee arthroscopy or TKR in a private hospital setting by some of Australia's ethical experts and specialists to help this poor woman, because of life threatening comorbidities that werein full remission prior to surgery (see medical history)
  • Medical Assistance Dog needing to be funded for his care - the loss of quality time with her dog has devastated Natalie, she has lost over 8 months as a result of this surgery
  • Facing homelessness in a few months again after facing homelessness on 31/01/2024 - needing Social Workers and other Support Services e.g welfare and NDIS as well as anyone else who could help Natalie find a happy and safe home
  • Natalie has shown me that her teeth have been wrecked by a series of dentists, leaving her unable to chew and making it impossible to eat nearly all foods. She is in need of restoration of her mouth.
  • Natalie’s IIH is getting worse day by day, and any multidisciplinary team will need to help Natalie overcome the issues she faces on its account.
  • Needing increased NDIS support, currently receiving from a company she cannot praise enough for their kind, compassionate and caring services, Advanced Care in Disability Pty Ltd e.g. Domestic, Transport, Shopping, Cleaning, Garden Services, Capacity Building, Social Support on all levels

Any leftover funds will be donated to the RSPCA Yagoona.

Natalie has benefited enormously from being an RSPCA PROGAMS (Yagoona) client since 2017 and continues to do so, and combined with her intense love of animals would love for all excess donations to go to the RSPCA. For anyone who would like to directly donate to the RSPCA, please follow this link: You can also learn more about RSPCA guardian angel here:

Brief Bio:

Natalie is a very kindhearted and caring selfless woman of 54 years who has been put through an absolute nightmare simply for trusting her now former GP of over 12 years and former Hillsong pastor, Dr. Abie Thomas (Castle Hill). Natalie is a dear, long-term friend of my father's as well as my brother's godmother who reached out seeking help after suffering from an horrific set of events that was not an accident, but the result of a series of blunders, indecision and plain cruelty. Her story has cut me to the heart, and I am sure it will move you as well.

In spite of her Mental Health Disabilities, including Bipolar Disorder (BPAD) and PTSD as well as Physical Disabilities (that are not yet recognised by the NDIS) IIH (Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension), Liver and Gastrointestinal diseases which were in complete remission prior to surgery. Natalie was determined to enjoy life as best as she could before the 19th of April 2023 and did in fact do so.

Natalie lived a very active lifestyle prior to surgery, she volunteered for causes related to animal welfare and rights, mental health, vulnerable persons, and victims of abuse including domestic violence (DV) and NDIS abuse.

Natalie with Scruffy, April 2023, at Ebeneezer Church soon before her surgery.

For many years and right up until April 2023 Natalie loved to swim, was learning to play guitar and wanted to start line dancing, which she was planning to commence at the Neutral Bay Community Centre at the beginning of the year and which she has been a member of since 2021. Being independent, she's held her driver's licence for 30 years without any loss of demerit points or fines. She had no issue taking public transport with her Medical Assistance Dog "Scruffy" (MindDogs Australia pty ltd).

Only last December she managed to get from one side of Sydney to another to see a performance by one of her favourite comedians "Arj Barker" at Club Central Hurstville. She enjoyed going to expos at Darling Harbour e.g. Mind Body Spirit, Tattoo Expos, home shows, theatres, as well as travelling to the country either by public transport or driving with her Medical Assistance Dog.

Natalie at the Sunday Markets at Windsor, November 2022.

In attempt to lose weight and regain positive mental health she was walking at least 10,000 steps every day.

Natalie also enjoyed making new friends, engaging with her community, and spending time with her Medical Assistance Dog by going to beaches she loved in the Eastern Suburbs and Northern Beaches, namely Rose Bay, Freshwater Bay, Newport and Bondi among others, and taking him for walks around town, including catching ferries to Manly and other parts of Sydney with her dog.

Unfortunately, Natalie was the victim of not only a horrendously botched knee surgery earlier this year where the surgeons claimed she had a Meniscus Debridement, but in fact had a Meniscectomy that has rendered her severely disabled and bedridden for over 8 months and being a severely high falls risk. Despite losing weight due to a lack of appetite, she has gone up 10 dress sizes and lost an enormous amount of muscle mass. She has been rendered terribly frightened and vulnerable.

Natalie before and after surgery

Natalie strongly maintains that she advised her most trusted physician, Dr Abie Thomas, in addition to another GP prescribing her intermittent pain medication that she did not want to or even give informed consent to any surgery. She only went to Westmead Public hospital to seek a second opinion from Dr Budikkah Balalla.

Natalie fully asserts she was never even physically examined prior to the surgery which stripped her of her independence and completely devastated her physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally and even financially. She has seen 17 orthopaedic surgeons post surgery. They have all confirmed the opinion of Dr Frederick Hoe, that the surgery should never have happened. Both her GPs and the Hospital have completely washed their hands of her.

The stress of all of this could not only cause her IIH to trigger a heart attack, blindness or another stroke but she did also have a recent Lumbar Puncture at Liverpool Hospital where her pressure was raised. Her cardiac markers are completely elevated. She can't walk 20m without getting horrendous swelling in her leg, and she must use mobility aids such as crutches or a walker. She has lost her physical independence which has traumatised her mentally. As mentioned, this was not from a car or other serious accident, but was done to her through what she calls a gross act of Medical Negligence.

Natalie in October 2023, she is bedridden as a consequence of this unwanted & unnecessary surgery, which has lead to a massive further decline in health.

Now both bedridden and facing homelessness together with her Medical Assistance Dog, Natalie is fighting for her life and desperately needs your help. In addition, Natalie wants to raise awareness around atrocities like this and prevent it from happening to anyone else. This clearly indicates Natalie's kind and compassionate heart, she wants to use this experience to help others, and says she thinks of it as a cathartic experience.

Natalie's friends of many years have turned their backs on her in this situation, and she tells me she feels her family are just waiting for her to die, and tells me she has been the victim of DV for many years (see reference from Neurologist at the bottom).

Natalie at the Spring Terrace Camel Farmstay in December 2022

On the fifth of January, Natalie had an MRI and was diagnosed with a complex tear of the medial meniscus in her left knee. She experienced yet intermittent significant pain in her left knee which she controlled with intermittent prescription pain relief and RICE. Naturally trusting of her GPs she approached them for help.

Natalie sourced renowned orthopaedic specialist Dr. Frederick Hoe, and to see him had to take out a NILS loan. He told her that she only needed to lose weight, then her meniscus would repair itself and her pain would settle down in about six months. Surgery was unnecessary, risky and had a low chance of success.

Natalie tells me that three of her GPs, Dr Abie Thomas, Dr Jason Zhou and Dr Joyce Beardsell had this letter but refused to release it to her. Natalie has been told by the specialist's office that not only had they sent that letter to the GP's office within a week of seeing her, but also that they had an obligation to release to her the information contained therein.

Here is a copy of that letter: First Letter from Dr Hoe to Dr Thomas as well as a followup letter after the surgery: Second Letter from Dr Hoe to Dr Thomas.

Please note that according to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) the actions described are not lawful:

"Patients are entitled to access the health information you hold about them regardless of who authored particular documents, or who ‘owns’ the record. This means that, unless an exception applies, you must give a patient access to information you hold that you received from other health service providers, such as specialist reports."
You can read the full document here: OAIC Chapter 4 Giving access to health information

Here are a series of letters to and from Natalie’s GPs and specialists.

Dr Thomas Letters:

Dr Jason Zhou Letters  

Dr Hoe Letters:

Dr Ian Woodgate:

Hospital Admission Referrals:
Natalie, on account of this surgery, has been progressively getting worse and worse, and it has gotten to the point where she has had numerous life threatening conditions, resulting from her being veritably bedbound, as well as interactions with her pre-existing life threatening conditions such as IIH. Natalie has been referred numerous times for inpatient care in the hospital system, as her GPs have said, increasingly more so now, that Natalie is not able to get better out in the community. Some of these admission referrals are below. Unfortunately Natalie finds that she is not taken seriously by the hospital system, and is accused of either faking her conditions or told they are all in her head, when her conditions are absolutely real.

Furthermore, here are a series of discharge summaries. The most recent one is the one that Natalie was given on the 31st of January. Natalie tells me when she saw it she realised it was erroneous, and has asked me to share a copy with errors pointed out and corrections made.

Natalie with her friend Judy Dixon at Fantasy Lane in Kogarah, December 2022

Furthermore, Natalie relates how her GP not only did not release the letter, but rubbished the opinion of the surgeon Dr Frederick Hoe, with over 20 years experience, and instead insisted on surgery as being the only way to repair Natalie's knee. He then referred her to Westmead hospital to see another surgeon. Natalie went to the hospital on the 3rd of February, hoping to receive a second opinion from the consultant there.

While there, Natalie says she never saw the consultant, and one of the registrars who did see her did not examine her physically or even weigh her, but just looked at the MRI and scans. She was given some forms to sign, but says they were illegible, and what she could read was far too technical to understand.

Natalie at the Dural Music Centre, Jan 2023

Natalie saw her GP on the 18th of April, telling him she did not want any surgery. Natalie had another appointment at the hospital the next day, where she hoped to finally see the consultant to get the second opinion she desired. What followed was absolutely horrifying.

While in hospital, Natalie maintains she never once agreed to surgery and never gave informed consent, but was instead a victim of what she describes as medical gaslighting of a "Highly Vulnerable Person". Medical gaslighting "refers specifically to when a patient feels their concerns or symptoms about their own health are dismissed or downplayed by a healthcare professional to the point of abuse or coercive control", Please read: Medical gaslighting What is it And how to be heard for more information. For a definition of informed consent, please have a look at this document: Requirements for consent.

Natalie in Westmead Hospital, April 2023

Not wanting the surgery, Natalie always insisted that she first be seen by a consultant beforehand. She maintains she never went through pre-op and was never physically examined at the hospital. Flustered, in hospital on the advice of her GP and being pressured, she was given forms she could hardly read and instructed to sign.

She was then promised she was going to see the consultant, but before she knew it she was being prepped for surgery! When in theatre, she was told the consultant doesn't see pensioners. Instead she was told "stop asking questions... we've got lots of people in the queue waiting for the same surgery". Once again, Natalie has always maintained she never gave informed consent. Natalie is an extremely vulnerable person and was in hospital by herself, at the mercy of registrars who did not care.

She was meant to undergo what one of her doctors described as an arthroscopy and a debridement of a torn meniscus. This should have left her meniscus intact. Much more than that happened however, with one of her doctor's letters stating:

"The discharge summary has stated that everything went well postoperatively, but ten days in hospital following an arthroscopy isn't normal."


"I don't think any of us have the actual pathology or what was done or what was on the operation sheet or anything like that".


"You have sent her to me well before that operation about the swelling, but now, she is very poorly mobile on crutches, so it is a little difficult to tell what the normal situation is."

Royal North Shore Hospital, September 2023

Natalie demonstrating her disability, December 2023. Prior to the surgery which was unneeded and unwanted, Natalie was able to walk 10K steps daily.

Natalie later found out that the surgeons performed a Meniscectomy on her left knee. This is the complete removal of the meniscus. The result has been a disaster. As one doctor has described her condition:

"Now her left leg is 1.8cm shorter than her right leg which prevents her from walking properly, her pain has increased dramatically, and her quality of life has been shattered. She continues to deteriorate and decondition, and her mental health is severely impacted. Last year she was able to walk 18,000 steps, was driving and was able walk up/down stairs freely, but after her surgery she can only walk a few steps with crutches and cannot bend down or walk a step. She is a high falls risk. Her current state is a significant deterioration."

Natalie walked into Westmead hospital trusting she would see the consultant there for a second opinion only. She was kicked out in a wheelchair and given multiple mobility aids.

Some of the aids that Natalie now requires, having never needed them before in her life.

The next morning after the surgery, that is the 20th of April, Natalie was in excruciating pain. She could not stand unaided and had to be moved around via a wheelchair. She was very heavily medicated with pain medications, she could not turn to the side in bed. This happened for ten days while she was in hospital, and Natalie says she was not even given a shower. Natalie also tells how she was berated for reaching out to REACH. The doctors there blamed her for being unable to stand or walk.

Now her left leg is 1.8cm shorter than her right leg which prevents her from walking properly. She cannot bend down. Her pain has increased dramatically, and her quality of life has been shattered. Natalie walked into Westmead hospital in a pair of thongs seeking nothing more than a second opinion to that of her specialist who advised against surgery (see letter at the end of this document). She was kicked out in a wheelchair unable to walk properly and given multiple mobility aids.

Natalie's leg swells horrendously when walking for even a short distance.

Natalie was later told that surgery was performed to prevent her from having to take pain medication. But as a result of this absolute travesty, Natalie now requires strong pain medicaitons just to get through the day! All this could have been prevented, but while Natalie trusted her doctors, they did not trust her and decided to make decisions on her behalf, overriding the opinion of her specialist.

An ounce of common sense would indicate that one should hesitate to perform knee surgeries on obese or bariatric patients. There are numerous studies that indicate that a poor outcome is much more likely. Natalie is highly vulnerable disability pensioner with a medical assistance dog who was put into a very stressful environment and railroaded into a surgery she never wanted.

Natalie tells me that this is a very common story in Australia, and that many other people and families have suffered from medical negligance. She was particularly moved by the story of Cherie Guest, who died following complications from routine cataract surgery. Natalie sees many parallels.

Like Natalie, Cherie Guest was not fit for the surgery she underwent and should not have been operated on. Just as Cherie Guest and her family were not properly informed of the risks, Natalie maintains she was not either. Natalie is an extremely cautious person, and if her GP had given her the letter of Dr Hoe, she would never have gone to hospital. Once again, she had only gone for a second opinion, after her GP rubbished the guidance of Dr Hoe and refused to release his letter. Natalie was deceived at every step of the way. This catastrophe was entirely preventable.

People all over Australia trust in their physicians and expect that they will be looked after. And when that trust is abused, people like Natalie, Cherie Guest and many others, suffer dearly.

Natalie in Hornsby Hospital, December 2023

All of this has exacerbated the effects of Natalie's Physical and Mental Illnesses on her already fragile state. She's now severely depressed and homebound as she's terrified of slipping and falls, she was never a falls risk before. This has worsened the effects of her PTSD and bipolar disorder.

Meanwhile, without being able to move much and exercise, Natalie's heart is becoming weaker. She is already at a risk of stroke from her IIH, which she was recommended to treat through exercise and weight loss, which was well underway before the surgery. IIH affects 1 in 100,000 people.

Natalie was later told that surgery was performed to prevent her from having to take pain medication. But as a result of this absolute travesty, Natalie now requires strong pain medications just to get through the day! All this could have been prevented, but while Natalie trusted her doctors, they did not trust her and decided to make decisions on her behalf, overriding the opinion of her specialist.

Natalie cannot walk properly now, only able to walk about 20m with the use of crutches.

An ounce of common sense would indicate that one should hesitate to perform knee surgeries on obese or bariatric patients. There are numerous studies that indicate that a poor outcome is much more likely. Natalie is highly vulnerable disability pensioner with a medical assistance dog who was put into a very stressful environment and railroaded into a surgery she never wanted.

Despite her circumstances, Natalie used to enjoy a great deal of freedom. She had her driver's license for 30 years, and never suffered a demerit point or any driving offences. Though she still has her full drivers license today, she is unwilling to get behind a wheel in her current state as she fears she would endanger the lives of others as well as her own. She was decently mobile and was able to take her beloved assistance dog to the beach, walk around town, and visit the grave of her deceased father.

Natalie in Ebenezer Church, May 2023, trying to figure out what had happened to her.

Only last year she was well enough to go on multiple trips out west to places like Orange, Dubbo and Mudgee with her Service Dog, visiting a camel farm, attending Small Farm Field Days, attending country shows etc.

Now, however, all of this would be impossible. Natalie is bedridden most of the day, and leaving the house is almost impossible. Her pain is excruciating. She requires hospice style assistance for nearly everything she does. As of the 25th of November she's had seven showers in seven months. Furthermore, she's been left bedridden and unable to do bowel motions since the surgery.

Here are some quotes from Natalie describing how she feels about what's happened to her:

  • "I'm scared, I don't want to be in a wheelchair"
  • "I'm at risk of dying every day, I feel my doctors have washed their hands of me"
  • "I'm traumatised to no end, this has destroyed my life, I'm facing homelessness, I feel they are just waiting for me to die"
  • "When it comes to pensioners, we're just guinea pigs and lab rats, I'm one of thousands that this happens to"
  • "I've lost 8 months of quality time with my dog who is 15 years old"
  • "I've lost 8 months of my physical independence"

Natalie only wants to get her life back to where she was. For that, she urgently needs knee surgery to repair the damage done to her at Westmead. Without being able to do something as simple as walk, or take a shower, Natalie has no hope of treating the symptoms of her PTSD, bipolar disorder or IIH.

Natalie was not the only person to have problems with Dr. Bu Balalla and his team. Below are two reviews, you can read them below or click this link to see the original reviews:

  • "This doctor ruined my life the most worse knee surgeon in the whole of Australian I def don’t want anyone to have the same problem as I did I can not walk properly anymore I’m stuck with a half bent knee."
  • "Mel the secatary hopeless my nurse rang made a appointment and I finally get called in I was 1 hour early and he left knowing I was there the secatary has put us through hell saying we're making things up the dr needs to be more considered when it comes to his patients I can see private patients with money come Frist something is wrong after the no show we been trying to get a appointment since 21st of may finally get to talk to someone and it's ok for her to raise her voice but not us it's a joke I'm so mad and I will voice my opinion to the doctor himself and talking about his ruse staff I'm in so much pain I been to emergency they say I gotta see Dr Ballala who again left Westmead Hospital early before his appointment with me they changed my dressings and say I'll have better luck in his private rooms yeah it's all about the money right I'm over it"

Natalie also posted a review each of Dr. Thomas and Dr. Balalla, but these were deleted from view by the public. Natalie sent me screenshots of these reviews, which are transcribed and posted at the end of this GoFundMe, as well as links to the screenshots themselves.

Natalie tells me that on account of her advocacy, the writer of the first review, Carlos, is receiving help now from the hospital (click here for a document Natalie shared on this). Natalie is happy for him, but feels she as well should receive help. Natalie believes though that the hospital may feel it easier to ignore Natalie, who has no money or resources, than someone who is quite well off.

Natalie at Ebeneezer Church, May 2023

If that was not enough, Natalie is soon to be homeless. Natalie is set to be homeless in the middle of the year after being forced to take her landlord to NCAT for basic maintenance. Natalie had to move out to Galston, far away from her support network and essential services, in the middle of last year to find somewhere to live after her previous landlord wanted to make other use of the property. Since moving in, Natalie has discovered a plethora of issues that her new landlord has no interest in dealing with. Natalie has had to suffer from torn flyscreens letting all manner of bugs in, flimsy aircon in unbearable heat, and to top it all off, severe water damage of her property after the toilet flooded the house. This is for a place that costs over $800 a week for! After having gone to NCAT to try and get her landlord to do the bare minimum, Natalie must now seek another property once her lease expires.

The current rental market is a nightmare, this we all know. But with Natalie's newfound mobility issues, the slate of available homes is greatly constrained. Before she could easily live in a house, townhouse or apartment with stairs without problem.

After the surgery Natalie sought out Westmead to fix the damage to her knee, but they deny any wrongdoing, and claim there is nothing wrong with Natalie's knee anymore. What rubbish! One look at Natalie's knee is proof enough that there are massive problems. Not only that, but the leg length imbalance was confirmed via scans of her legs.

Natalie at Ebeneezer Church, May 2023

It is clear now that returning to those who put Natalie in such a poor state is not an option. Natalie needs a Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) of highly ethical doctors, who actually know what they are doing and can repair the damage done.

The money Natalie needs is considerable. Not only does she require extensive knee surgery, but she also requires funds for post operative care in a setting that would allow Scruffy to be by her side. Right now, Natalie is exhausting her pension on specialist appointments and scans. If this was not enough, Natalie has been a victim of NDIS abuse, suffering neglect, discrimination and a complete failure to provide necessary supports. This has gone on since 2018 and was severe in 2021 and 2022.

Natalie at the Spring Terrace Camel Farmstay in December 2022

Natalie could never dream of affording such surgery. But she shouldn't have to. None of us should have to. We should be able to trust our doctors and our hospitals to look after us. That an Australian has to crowdfund surgery is a travesty, but here we are. Natalie is fighting for her life. This wasn't a car accident. This was atrocity was done to her. All Natalie wants to be able to take Scruffy to the beach again, and get her life back on track. Natalie deserved a fair go. She might not have gotten one from the system, but with your help, we can give her one instead.

Below are some documents from specialists and service providers who know Natalie well, and have written in support of her, which Natalie has asked to be shared:

Furthermore, here are some other supporting documents, such as letters from her GP, Surgeons etc., which Natalie has also asked to be shared:

Furthermore, here are two statutory declarations from Natalie’s next of kin, testifying to what he saw when with Natalie in hospital:

Here are some hospital summaries, from the initial summary after the surgery, as well as further visits, detailing Natalie's suffering post surgery and desire for answers for her immeasurable pain.

Furthermore, here are some letters from Natalie's current GP in support of her NDIS struggles:

Furthermore, here are some letters of support for Natalie to go to hospital. These stress the absolute urgency for Natalie to be in hospital for her myriad of life threatening conditions and rehabilitation, but Natalie finds herself being discharged every single time without the treatment that her GPs and specialists have required for her:

Here is a referral for Natalie to receive an urgent gastroscopy, as her GP and specialists have suspected she may have bowel cancer, due to her not reporting any bowel movements for many months: Gastroscopy referral link:

Natalie’s long term friend, naturopath and advocate, Marelle Burnum Burnum, has written a very strong letter of support for Natalie, which she would love all to read. Natalie has known Marelle since she was 23, having seen her on an episode of 60 minutes. Marelle Burnum Burnum has provided Natalie with invaluable help over the past decades, and can attest to Natalie’s condition both before and after the surgery.

Marelle Burnum Burnum, Natalie’s Naturopath, Advocate and Friend of three decades

Marelle Burnum Burnum’s naturopathic services have helped Natalie and many others over the years

Below are some more photos of Natalie from prior to the surgery, demonstrating how mobile she used to be.

Natalie at the Sunday Markets at Windsor, November 2022.

Natalie at the Hawkesburyfest, November, 2022

And here are some more photos of Natalie demonstrating how she is now:

Natalie visiting Scruffy at his boarding kennel, October 2023

Natalie in one of her favourite stores in Roundcorner, Dural, just after visiting Scruffy, October 2023

Natalie has also had to suffer a great degree of dental damage, causing her excruciating pain, infections and making it impossible to eat many kinds of foods. Natalie tells me that she had thirteen teeth damaged by seven dentists, and a further eight were damaged most recently, for a total of twenty-one teeth! This is the majority of Natalie’s teeth. As a result of this, Natalie has shown me photos of infections, great swelling, one can only imagine the pain she must be going through.

I started this GFM on the encouragement of my father, an old friend of Natalie’s from over thirty years ago. My father, who has worn many hats in his life, used to do stage acting with Natalie at the Guild Theatre in Rockdale, and they both received acting instruction under the great Colleen Clifford. While Natalie tells me she lacked confidence, my father would continually boost her spirits and encourage her to persist. On account of this, Natalie tells me she gained confidence in herself and used this newfound confidence to become an aerobics instructor (taught by Lisa Greenberg).

When Natalie had called last year looking for help my father was shocked at what had befallen her. He couldn’t believe that his friend who had known as an active and capable woman, was now in the state she described to him - barely able to walk a few steps, in severe pain and virtually bed bound as a result. Natalie was in total distress about what had befallen her during that surgery, a surgery she told us she had not even expected to happen! Natalie had been reaching out wherever she could in her distress, looking for help. My father, looking for same way to aid Natalie, asked me to reach out to her, and help her setup this gofundme.

As I said before, my father had worn many hats in his life, a life interesting enough to be written about. Natalie recently read through it, and asked me to share with you some of her favourite photos from the book.

Reviews Natalie posted of Drs Thomas and Balalla which were deleted:

Review of Dr. Balalla

Review of Dr. Thomas

These reviews are from screenshots on Natalie's phone, as like the reviews of Dr Ballala, they were deleted from public view:

Here is another more recent review of Dr Thomas, from October 2024;

Positive review of the Castle Hill Medical Centre



  • Lahari Pillada
    • $10
    • 9 d
  • Vickyy Paul
    • $10
    • 10 d
  • Kaye Patricia Eurisse Mariano
    • $20
    • 2 mos
  • Toni Darcy
    • $50
    • 3 mos
  • Bruce Plant
    • $10
    • 5 mos

Organizer and beneficiary

Bruce Plant
Hurstville Grove, NSW
Natalie Sekulovski

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