Help NCF Freedom Protect New College of Florida
Donation protected
With your donations to our Protect New College Fund, NCF Freedom will continue to pursue actions–legal and otherwise–to ensure that we hold the state accountable for their actions to curtail academic freedom at New College and, by extension, at institutions of higher education across Florida. Our mission remains unchanged — to fully protect and promote the future of New College of Florida as a unique public liberal arts college that honors academic freedom, educational innovation, collaborative student-guided learning, and its foundational values of open discourse within a just, diverse, equitable, and inclusive community.
Where Your Donations Will Go
Legal Actions:
Much of our work at NCF Freedom involves holding the state accountable for their irresponsible and cruel legislation limiting academic freedom, curtailing faculty’s ability to teach certain subjects in classrooms, and deciding for the Florida public what students can and cannot learn. This affects not only New College, but higher education across Florida, and will have lasting ramifications on the state’s future. Our lawsuit targeting SB 266 was our first attempt to protect academic freedom in Florida, but it won’t be our last. Your donations will go towards legal expenses, strategy, and the organizational work required to file a lawsuit and keep these issues top of mind.
Keeping our community apprised of what is going on at New College is essential to maintaining an active resistance to the unilateral changes being forced upon the school. Your donations will aid in funding our continued communications to the community, particularly allowing us to partner with our PR firm, which has been instrumental in helping create connections with the press and persuasively communicating the objectives of our legal efforts.
We are a small organization, with one part-time, paid staff member. Your donations will help enable the behind-the-scenes work that allows us to focus on bold legal and protective actions.
The fight to protect New College continues, even when the media finds other stories to cover. We will continue to focus on the critical issues facing New College under this current administration. Future generations deserve to experience the same (or even better) unique educational model and inclusive social environment that NCF alums of the last 60 years have received. We appreciate your support in protecting the New College we love.

NCF Freedom
Sarasota, FL