Help NDN Trans Artist with Medical Expenses
Tansi, Hello!
My name is Arielle Twist and I am an Indigenous, Two-Spirit, Multidisciplinary Artist based out of Halifax, Nova Scotia and I am asking for help surrounding some emergency dental surgery and medical/survival funding!
In late 2020 I had started having symptoms of some scary medical things and started seeing my doctors more intentionally, I was diagnosed with a Anemia which explained why this year I have been so lethargic and exhausted. This new diagnosis has pushed me to go see a dentist for the first time in years and we had discussed the process of getting a root canal for a back molar which has been chipped for a year prior. I had been putting it off because of medical trauma and my constant exhaustion and it has reached a point this week where it has been infected and could be spreading so I have to see a dental surgeon to have it removed ASAP. After being on antibiotics for a week, I am starting a stronger dose today to prepare for surgery happening in the coming week.
Since my tooth is infected, numbing has not worked the past two times we attempted to do root canal and they have decided that I have to be put under an anesthetic to have it removed which is an expensive cost on top of the cost of removal and the medication they have me on. This is just first of many dental procedures I have to receive including some fillings and the reconstruction of the tooth being removed which we haven't even discussed since this one issue has been a priority.
as a freelance artist and student I have not been able to have kept a steady income during the pandemic and these medical visits and life have ate up all my savings and these appointments are being rushed since the severity of the issue and the complications that can arise if we waited any longer.
I don't have insurance from school since as indigenous students we are asked to opt out of medical and dental since we receive medical benefits from NHIB but NHIB doesn't cover back molar dental work in this case and wont assist with an anesthetic or reconstruction.
Thanks for considering your support
AT <3