Medical Help for Silke Kapela Motorcycle Accident
Hi my name is Jasmine AKA Jazz. My mom Silke Kapela is who I am fundraising for. My mom does not know that I am asking for money to help her and I would like this to be a surprise. For all that does not know her she is the one most independent women you'll ever meet. If she knew of this she would most likely ask me to take it down. She is humble to all and helps anyone she can. She has worked for the city of Truth or Consequences for over 15 years, giving our community service with a smile, kindness, and love. I would like to return the love she shows everyone she meets. I'm asking all who sees this for some help, anything helps.
A little over a month ago her and her husband were going out for a motorcycle ride and wrecked. Luckily God was watching over her, seconds later after she wrecked his final surgeon stopped and helped her until the helicopter landed. Also someone they knew happened to drive by with the empty horse trailer and take their bikes home on a lonely road with hardly any traffic. My mom broke her arm and leg and was flown to Albuquerque, NM. She was home for almost a month and found out she has a bad infection. She's currently back at the hospital and probably won't be home until September.
Unfortunately the people who work full-time and work so hard to make this world go round, has insurance that covers less than my state covered insurance for low-income families. My mom is in need of help for her medical bills.
Please help me help her and return the love. Like I mentioned earlier any amount helps. Whether or not you can make a donation please share this to whoever you can and be really appreciated.
If you do not like to use your card online and you can call me or text me at [phone redacted] and I can take donations in person and deposit it into my mom's account and of course inform her where it came from if you would like.