Help needed for medical and travel costs
Donation protected
For five years in all now I have been battling with major health and financial hardship.
I had cancer for a couple years and due to it being missed for soo long the cancer i had growing in my tonsils had spread to my lymph nodes.
So after months of chemo and radiotherapy I am in remission but still need constant pain relief and a couple of surgeries to be able to eat properly again at this point I've lost 60 kilos now and can't get a break.
I ended up with radio necrosis meaning my jaw bone in part has died exposing bone inside my mouth and due to that and other complications I have waited for almost two more years for radiation to subside so I can have surgical help without further necrosis.
Unfortunately I had the feeding tube removed due to infection so I'm on liquid food unable to eat SOLID food most of the time as it is too painful which would be fine if I wasn't lactose intolerant but because I am I can't keep any of the complete liquid diet mixes in.
The medication is a big issue as well I've been a chronic pain sufferer for years after being crushed between two cars and the extra pain that the treatments has put me in have me forking out $500 a month plus to the chemist so my savings and most of my assets are at this point long gone.
I'm updating this today because I have been given two at this point impossible choices..
1. give up on having it fixed accept it and deal with it for life.
2. Take a few more meds I can't afford to increase blood flow try save jaw bone and have teeth removed so I can heal and there's a fair chance that could involve taking bone from my leg to fix or try fix my jaw.
Either way I will need to travel hours in either direction which I can't afford right now on top of the meds they want me to take and I will need 6 weeks of hyperbaric treatments equating to more travelling I can't afford.
Fair to say this has wiped me off the board almost but I keep going and will.
For those that know me you know me you know asking for help through all this has been something I've struggled with but this is the end of this finally and I'm desperate for it to be done with so I can keep fighting a bit longer.
I'm very grateful to the people who have already helped any share or support is appreciated sincerely,
Wayne Crouch
Wayne Crouch
Rowlands Creek, NSW