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Nesim's Fight Against Leukemia

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My cousin Nesim isn’t your average six-year-old child. Anytime you walk into a room with Nesim in it, you can find him dancing or simply putting a smile on someone’s face. But recently him and his family faced a more serious situation. On December 6, 2017 he went to the doctors with croup; there the doctor noticed he was pale and had an enlarged spleen. Because of these signs, Nesim went to the hospital to get blood work done. There we found out, he has Leukemia. The next day he was officially diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, also known as ALL. Thankfully we caught his cancer in the early stages, and it is only in his blood. But unfortunately with cancer there is chemotherapy. As of right now Nesim will have to do chemotherapy for the next 3 ½ years of his life. But Nesim is a strong young boy who will put up the most remarkable fight of his life. Him and his family would appreciate any donations to help pay for the next couple years of treatment that he will face.
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  • Tuna Gul
    • $300
    • 6 yrs
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Gianna Gentile
Oakland, NJ

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