Help Noah keep his insurance
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Hi, my name is Noah. I am a transgender man and I have been working tirelessly to get a top surgery date scheduled and approved by my insurance. After months and months of getting consultations, filling out paperwork, and getting letters from therapists I was finally able to secure August 4th as my surgery date with Dr. DeLeon at the Crane Center in Austin, Texas. Because insurance authorized the surgery in June I was cleared to book travel accommodations, and to save money I booked non-refundable airfare and hotels/Airbnb (I had been approved through insurance and my PTO at work was approved and was good to go, I thought). Little did I know that I would lose my job on July 10th and I would only have group insurance through July 31st. I can't move my surgery date or I will be out all the money I spent on my accommodations, not to mention I have already almost reached my Out of Pocket Max for the year, so my surgery was going to be almost free using the BCBS policy I already have.
Bottom line... To not lose out on a ton of money I've already spent, and to keep my surgery from costing upwards of $10k, I need to elect to use my COBRA coverage for at least the month of August. As you can imagine, we did not expect to have this large of an expense coming in addition to the money we have already spent... not to mention we just bought a house and we just spent an additional sum of money getting our home ready for a foster child. My wife is a teacher so we were planning to be living on my income only for August... but now we don't even have that. I am at a loss and I am embarrassed to be asking for help, but we are between a rock and a hard place.
This gender-affirming surgery is the most important thing I have ever done for myself, I don't know what I'll do if I am unable to make this happen.
Noah Gilmore
Wichita, KS