Help A Nurse Who Survived COVID Change her Career
Hello everyone! My name is Erjo Ivy, you can call me Ivy. I am a registered nurse, and I have been a practicing for 21 years. I have broad experience in nursing and in healthcare including pediatric oncology
(childhood cancer), adult acute care
(critical care), and more recently COVID.
After working as a COVID nurse for almost ten months, I tested positive for COVID-19 on December 17th 2020. On December 22nd, my symptoms worsened, and I developed viral pneumonia. On December 23rd, I couldn’t breathe, and so an ambulance rushed me to the nearest hospital. I have seen the worst impact that this pandemic can deliver.
I received all of the most aggressive medications, like remdesivir, blood transfusions, and ivermectin. I spent a month in the hospital fighting to survive. Now that I am out of the hospital, I am on oxygen, but I am recovering from, and still dealing with, numerous signs and symptoms of COVID. I fatigue easily. I have heart palpitations and a rapid heart rate. I cough and have shortness of breath. And, a relatively common side effect of some of these aggressive medications is nodules growing in the patient’s neck. I have five, and two are now suspicious for cancer. These nodules also restrict my breathing.
I will eventually recover, but my recovery will require about six month. Obviously, I cannot and should not return to service as a COVID nurse. It requires more energy than I now am able to offer, and it is poses significant risk to my health. So while I recover, I want to work to re-build my career. I want to focus on healthcare management.
There are several excellent online courses in healthcare management that I want to take (please see the list below), but they are expensive compared to my resources. Since I have now seen this pandemic from both sides of the hospital bed, I feel that I can contribute much to helping hospitals, rehab facilities, and fellow healthcare workers to address this pandemic. I want to educate hospitals and healthcare communities around the world by consultation, management services, and social media.
The courses I want to take are :
I do hope that you and I can work hand-in-hand in helping me to advance my career, and contribute to a brighter future for our children and generations to come. We all want to live a sustainable, more satisfying, happy, and healthy life.
Thank you very much for your consideration of my goals, and for your generosity!
Erjo Ivy Rojas,RN
Ivy’s League