Help Nyack's Soup Angels Feed Our Community
Soup Angels provides free, nutritious, homemade meals to anyone who is hungry, no questions asked. Among our guests are elderly persons seeking a meal and companionship, the working poor and their families, and those who are homeless. An all-volunteer, non-denominational group of service-minded individuals, Soup Angels operates under the auspices of First Reformed Church and depends on the support of our community.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we have and will continue to serve dinner every Monday and Wednesday via curbside pick-up. Packaging meals in recyclable containers and paper bags has meant that nearly 40% of our food budget has gone to these unforeseen expenses, and we need your help.
If we can raise $10,000—to account for the loss of donations we rely upon from Spring, Summer and Fall street fairs in Nyack—we will be able to cover food and related expenses for the remainder of 2020.
As an added incentive, a generous benefactor has offered to provide a matching gift of up to $10,000.
Please donate and share this campaign with your friends, family, neighbors and colleagues. We are grateful for your support in helping to ensure that our fellow brothers and sisters are fed all year long!
Soup Angels operates under the non-profit status of First Reformed Church in Nyack, New York. Per regulations, all volunteers are required to wear masks and gloves as they prepare meals, pack containers, and serve guests outdoors while maintaining six feet of physical distance from others.