Help offset costs for Nicholas Paredes
I'm helping raise money for Nicholas Paredes and his family. He just had Trach surgery, and will be hospital bound for weeks-months. His parents Joseph Paredes and Jessica Fragoso are with him. Whole Jessica's amazing man is home with the other kiddos.
The costs of having to get meals 3x a day adds up fast. Also traveling back and forth to the other children at home over a hour away can be costly. It would be nice for nicholas to have some compression gloves to help with anxiety!
Cheech and his family have a long road ahead of them, please share if you cannot donate.
More about cheech:
Nicholas aka "Cheech", is the oldest of 6 kids. His siblings are his biggest supporters and devote their time every single day, to help take care of him. Nicholas was born with a very rare genetic deletion, Proximal 7q deletion. He stumps every doctor he meets! Along with this diagnosis, Nicholas also has one of the most severe forms of epilepsy there is, Lennox-Gestaut Syndrome. This diagnoses brings hundreds of seizures a day but thanks to medical cannabis, Nicholas's seizures have reduced over 90%!!! These medical issues have lead to many other struggles for Cheech. He is battling Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Dyshidrotic Eczema and severe Sleep Apnea. Nicholas's sleep apnea was considered life threatening and that is why he is currently at seattle children's for his trach surgery.