Help Oliver and Maya Aid California Families
Tax deductible
We saw and heard about the sad, sad wildfires in California. We would love for you to please help us donate to this charity to help the people of California. Thank you!
Oliver (9) and Maya (5)
Note from mom and dad: The idea for this fundraiser was created solely by Oliver and Maya after they learned of the wildfires in California (we’re just helping with the logistics!). They immediately wanted to help the displaced families, and after emptying their piggy banks, decided they wanted to do more. We reviewed lists of charities and organizations to be sure that our donations will best reach those in need. Additionally, if any kiddos want to send cards to the firefighters, please reach out. We are so proud of these two and their big hearts. We hope this helps them, and all of us from afar, feel a little less helpless in the face of this tragic disaster. Thank you! Nicki and David
Nicki and Dave
South Portland, ME
California Community Foundation