Help our friend Wendy Williams!
Donation protected
Hello, my name is Ruby Barnes and I am a personal and professional friend of Wendy Williams. On September 9ish, 2021 Wendy had a bad headache. She was trying to get home, with her son in the car. Wendy blacked out and had a car accident. She was on the hands free cell phone with her husband, (Chris). She explained to him about her migraine, telling him her vision was fading and I’m going to pass out. She crashed, yet after waking she drove home and even went to work for two days with an abnormal migraine....
On September 11, 2021 after waking up, her husband stated that she was acting odd. She could not keep her balance and kept falling. When trying to sit down on that toilet she missed it completely. After Chris called her mom (an RN) who called EMS. Her mom met the Ambulance at the hospital. The ER order a stat CT scan and called in the Neurological surgeon. Within 20 minutes she was in surgery.
On September 11, 2021 after waking up, her husband stated that she was acting odd. She could not keep her balance and kept falling. When trying to sit down on that toilet she missed it completely. After Chris called her mom (an RN) who called EMS. Her mom met the Ambulance at the hospital. The ER order a stat CT scan and called in the Neurological surgeon. Within 20 minutes she was in surgery.
After she woke from surgery she was told that had they waited to have surgery she would have died. During and after surgery her heart rate and pulse kept dropping. She remained in ICU until all of her danger was gone.
Going home with restrictions: no strenuous activity, no bending, no lifting, no stress and no stress. In November Wendy and her son was involved in another automobile accident. They were hit by another car. Because of her previous head traumatic experience she was sent to get another CT.
She continues to have memory issues, balance issues, vision issues and her migraines are worse the ever.
Sense the time Wendy was out of work for more the 3 months (the short term disability was minimal) and all of her bills have suffered. If that was not enough her car is still being repair (the rental car is no longer covered by the insurance). Her second car had to be taken in to replace a part that has been recalled. While replacing the part that was recalled it cause a major leak and that part is not covered by the recalled part or the insurance. So basically she has no car unless she pays for the rental car out of pocket. The rental place gave her the insurance rate for 2 weeks and the it almost tripled.
She has finally returned to work part time (so she is forced to pay the rental fees).
Only 20 to 30 percent of people fully recover from a Hematoma and regain full or near full function of the brain. Although Wendy has returned to work part time I can tell she has memory and other mental issues. Her doctors have given her a list of instructions, one of which is to avoid stress.
That is very difficult with her having to juggle insurance companies that want to point the figure at the other one. Should the medical insurance cover this or that or should the automobile insurance cover this or that. That coupled with stressful home situations and an ex-friend calling her husband with a bunch of lies is causing issues on the home front.
Now she is responsible for all the bills at this time. I am hoping these funds can relieve some of the burden of medical, insurance and car rental until her other vehicles are repaired.
Please help my friend and the friend of many others. She needs our help! Please donate! Even a few dollars will add up! Notice that she has to comb her hair in the opposite direction to cover the scar of more the 50 staples.
Thank you in advance for helping our friend!
Organizer and beneficiary
Ruby Rose Harrison-Barnes
Wilson, NC
Wendy Williams