Help out Club 200 during difficult times!
Since 1988 Club 200 has been a huge part of the 2SLGBTQ+ community. For many of us it’s been integral each step of the way to have an establishment like Club 200 as they have for years provided a safe space for the community. Club 200 has continuously donated very generously to several organizations in the community and has hosted several fundraisers for a variety of groups within Winnipeg. Club 200 has hosted film festivals, fringe shows, and fashion shows. There have been weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, stags and baby showers in the space. In ‘normal’ times weekend Drag shows & DJs spinning tunes can be experienced as well as a delicious selection of menu choices available 7 nights a week! The Club has been there for so many of us in good and challenging times. It has been the location chosen for celebration of life gatherings for many who we’ve lost! For a lot of people they have always felt like it was their home & family.
Since March of 2020 Club 200 has had to close or at the very least significantly reduce service due to Covid 19. The management of Club 200 accrued significant costs in order to make the bar physically safe when it can be open and was very strict in its adherence to public health guidelines. Even though the club has had tremendous support from its patrons when it was open they are once again in a very long shut down period. Club 200 is now at a place where things have to be getting difficult to pay bills while trying to navigate difficult decisions on things that affect an entire community. The question that many of us who call this place home is how long can this go on? And will the Club be able to support the staff and accommodate us even if they can resume limited services in mid to late summer? The capacity of Club 200 is going to be limited even when opening. Club 200 like many establishments has lost out many events that provide a safety blanket to remain open. The lack of special events has ramifications for all of us who use the space. Even though things like PRIDE festivities, St. Patrick’s Day, New Years Eve, and Halloween may not be for everybody these events are special and significant for the Club and the communities they help support. Several local artists who were ready to show their craft to crowds large and small have lost out on these key nights to hone their crafts drag artists, comedians, DJ’s singers, and dancers. Monthly parties like QPOC Ladies Night, Slunt Factory, and whatever the hell the reigning Ms Club 200 concocted are just a few staples that we all miss and are hopefully looking forward too when it is safe!
We want to emerge from this not only for these big parties but also for that intimacy and familiarity many have at the Club. To sit and share time with others sharing stories, making memories, and eating together.
We decided to come together because Club 200 has operated for 34 years in our city, and we do not want this pandemic to cause the Club to shut down. We have seen that here and elsewhere. As members of the Miss Club 200 Alumni we would like to ask assistance in helping us raise some funds to ensure that Club 200 can continue its service to our community.
Stay safe.
Donate what you can.
And, cheers to CLUB 200.