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Help Pastor Bipin and Sarah Nepal

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Pastor Bipin and Sarah in Nepal need help

Pastor Bipin and Sarah are broken-hearted, humble servants for Christ in Nepal.  You may have received this link from one of your friends who has been on short-term mission to Nepal.  They know how precious and effective Bipin and Sarah are.  Building friendships, sharing Christ, sharing their home, discipling believers, praying and praying, planning and preparing for greater mission, hosting and serving mission teams.

But Bipin says, “We have a noose around our necks.”   A $9000 U.S. debt is strangling them.  After they were married and Priscilla was a baby, they invested in a photocopy, designing and printing business to support themselves in ministry.  For whatever reasons, it failed, as do many of the small businesses in Nepal.

Nepal is the 12th poorest nation on earth.  Without major industries, people are left to find a way to survive on their own.  There are many small shops selling clothes etc.  Big stores are rare.  An average shop owner in Kathmandu lives on $200 a month. 

In a country where people have so little money to spend, starting your own business is a huge risk. We know a Nepali who has worked in Korea for 7 years to get money to start up his own business back home.  We fear that if he tries what his brother suggests, all the years of savings will be lost.  That’s what happened to Bipin and Sarah.  They lost everything they had, even their place to stay.  Their Pastor took them in until Bipin could get back on his feet.  Now Bipin and Sarah do the same for others.

Bipin and Sarah have no means to pay their debt.  Having enough to have a roof over your head and food to eat is success each month for many Nepali’s who make only $200.  Reaching out to the next generation, many of whom are still in school or just starting out on less than $200 a month, does not provide a Pastor with what is needed monthly, let alone debt repayment.   To make matters worse, interest charges thus far have added another $700.

Other short-term missionaries have been helped by Bipin and Sarah, but have done nothing to help them with their debt.  One of the verses that propels me to set up Go Fund Me is 1 John 3:17, “If anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?” 

Or as James would say, if we know God’s servants have a noose around their neck, but all we do is say, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled . . . what good is that?” (James 2:16).

 Would you consider helping free Sarah and Bipin?  Together we can do this.  Every little bit is a big help.  Let’s free them to help others in the years to come.  We can help change Nepal, one family at a time.  What a huge difference we can make!

I want to see these servants of Christ freed to minister without carrying this weight they can’t remove.
I want young Priscilla to feel loved with the love of God in Christ from people she has never met.   Marg and I have stretched to contribute the first $1000, but Bipin and Sarah need more.  Would you please give a cup of cold water in Jesus’ name? 

In Christ
John and Marg Crozier

You can meet Pastor Bipin through “Fire:Bipin Sharma’s story” on YouTube https://youtu.be/JVy8P29UbHQ

You can also connect with Bipin on Facebook at https://m.facebook.com/FireFlameMinistries/

Please note that because Bipin and Sarah are not Canadian or U.S. citizens with Canadian or U.S. bank accounts, GoFundMe will not transfer money directly to Bipin and Sarah's bank in Nepal.  In order to have a GoFundMe campaign, John and Marg Crozier had to take responsibility to receive the funds from GoFundMe into their Canadian bank then deliver the funds to Bipin and Sarah.

House of Prayer (House Church) 


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    • $1,200 (Offline)
    • 5 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $1,000 (Offline)
    • 5 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $999 (Offline)
    • 5 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $70 (Offline)
    • 5 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $70 (Offline)
    • 5 yrs


Margaret Yule Crozier
Bathurst, NB

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