Help Paws In Paradise Save Senior Pets
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The beautiful dog in the picture is our Mimi who came to us as a foster after being rescued from a Southern shelter where she had been on the euthanasia list. Mimi was elderly (in her teens), blind, deaf, missing an eye (the other one was infected) and had distended nipples meaning she had recently given birth to a litter of puppies. She was found as a stray. We could not bear to subject her to weekly adoption clinics where she would obviously be passed over time after time, so we adopted her. It was the best decision we ever made.
Over time, Mimi let us touch her, medicate her and snuggle her. She taught herself to play with a rubber ball and greet us at the door when we arrived home. Her ability to overcome the cruel blows life had dealt her touched me deeply, teaching me to leave the past behind and devote myself to being happy in the here and now. We were blessed to have our beloved Mimi for two amazing years, during which time she inspired me to use my retirement to save more elderly pets and hopefully help them die loved and happy instead of alone and sad.
Many pets are abused, neglected, abandoned and/or surrendered to shelters that kill them due to advanced age, illness or disability. Most of these pets end up in shelters or with rescue groups that have exceeded their resources and capacity. This creates a crisis situation in which elderly pets are the first to suffer, first to be killed at shelters to free up space for younger, healthier pets that are considered more adoptable. I immediately sold my home - which was zoned for no more than 3 dogs - and established Paws in Paradise.
We currently have 8-10 (changes by the day) elderly in-home dog residents, 2 dogs fostered outside of our home and a cat with AIDs. These pets are elderly, arthritic, toothless, blind, deaf, blind and deaf, have eye, ear and skin infections and/or are incontinent and wear diapers or wraps (male diapers). We have room and time to care for more but desperately need monetary donations in order to be able to do so, We can save these dogs but not without YOUR HELP!
Paws in Paradise benefits both people and pets throughout the country by:
1. providing permanent in-home sanctuary to elderly pets deemed unadoptable, where they receive care, comfort, respect, kindness and compassion, in which to live the remainder of their lives happily;
2. providing temporary in home sanctuary to elderly pets deemed potentially adoptable while preparing them for adoption and finding them forever homes;
3. advocating for pet adoption, particularly of elderly pets, by informing people how they can be cared for easily, how appreciative they are and how much they have to offer;
4. helping prospective pet owners find wonderful pets, particularly elderly pets, to provide them with unconditional love and companionship;
5. relieving irresponsible pet owners of elderly pets, to prevent their abuse, neglect, abandonment or surrender to shelters that may kill them;
6. relieving shelters and rescue groups of elderly pets, to prevent them from being killed in the name of euthanasia;
7. providing shelters and rescue groups the ability to admit and house more “adoptable” pets in need of homes; and
8. teaching people to value and care for pets, particularly elderly pets, and treat them with the respect, kindness and compassion they deserve.
Any funds obtained by Paws in Paradise are used directly for the care and comfort of our elderly residents and include veterinary services, Rx and OTC medications and preventatives, food, litter, diapers, male wraps, pee pee pads, cleaning supplies.
Please donate as generously as you can and follow us on Facebook.com/Paws in Paradise - NY.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Alice Berke
Mechanicville, NY
Paws In Paradise