Help pay for Sunshine's surgery and other medical!
Tax deductible
Please help with Sunshine's mastitis and pyometra surgery (graphic photos attached)! I'm raising money to benefit Great Pyrs & Paws Rescue, a 501c3 organization where I volunteer. We recently responded to a call for action in one of our PNW communities to help with a large population of Great Pyrenees dogs living in poor conditions. In this population were FOUR sets of puppies ages 1-4 weeks of age. Once in our care, we realized one of the mothers, a one-year-old Great Pyrenees had discharge coming from her vulva area and her teats were abnormally swollen. She had started to pace and become lethargic so her foster family rushed her to the nearest emergency room and they indicated she likely had mastitis and pyometra. Mastitis is an infection in the mammary gland and pyometra is an infection of a dog's uterus. One more week left unattended in her previous environment where the dogs were receiving little food, water and medical care, she would surely have died along with her 1-week old puppies.
The ER indicated they didn't have the staff to perform this surgery and she would have to be transferred to another veterinarian clinic who could perform this surgery ASAP. If you've tried to get emergency services for your pet lately, you know how difficult this may have been. Luckily, our medical team called around and found someone 30 mins away who would take her right away and get her prepared for surgery the next day. A volunteer picked her up at the ER and rushed her to the vet clinic where she was given fluids and antibiotics. The next day she was spayed to remove the infected uterus and the necrotic mammary tissue was also removed. They kept her overnight to continue giving her fluids as her condition was so poor from her past.
Sunshine was able to return home to her foster family and her puppies! All the time she was under vet care, her foster family had to bottle feed her 6 now 2-week-old puppies. Her foster mom said she is feeling so much better and even wagged her tail! As you can imagine, a $5000 vet bill can be a large undertaking for a non-profit relying solely on donations. If you can help this will allow us to help more dogs in need. Thank you for your support!
Marie Rosa
Tacoma, WA
Great Pyrs & Paws Rescue