Help Support PDCMS Choir Festivals
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Will you help the PDCMS Choirs participate in choir festivals?
The Palm Desert Charter Middle School choirs are seeking funding to participate in choral music festivals in California and New York City, which includes an invitation to the Youth Choir Series at Carnegie Hall!

Help us go to the next level.
Participation in these choir festivals gives these student singers a unique musical, performing, and cultural experience that takes these music groups to the next level.

Student singers need your help!
We are working hard to raise funds for these festivals and will be funding the festivals ourselves. Raising funds of this magnitude for the festival trips is a challenge — which we embrace wholeheartedly but with which we could use a little assistance. Therefore, we are looking for donors, such as you, to sponsor a portion of our experience. For many students, the cost of these festivals can be prohibitive, and your support will help those singers in financial need.

We really appreciate your assistance and thank you in advance for your support!
The Palm Desert Charter Middle School choirs are seeking funding to participate in choral music festivals in California and New York City, which includes an invitation to the Youth Choir Series at Carnegie Hall!

Help us go to the next level.
Participation in these choir festivals gives these student singers a unique musical, performing, and cultural experience that takes these music groups to the next level.

Student singers need your help!
We are working hard to raise funds for these festivals and will be funding the festivals ourselves. Raising funds of this magnitude for the festival trips is a challenge — which we embrace wholeheartedly but with which we could use a little assistance. Therefore, we are looking for donors, such as you, to sponsor a portion of our experience. For many students, the cost of these festivals can be prohibitive, and your support will help those singers in financial need.

We really appreciate your assistance and thank you in advance for your support!
Fundraising team: PDCMS Choirs (2)
Craig Gahnz-Kuhar
Palm Desert, CA
Palm Desert Charter Middle School Foundation
Raymond Gahnz-Kuhar
Team member