Hi, my name is Cortney and I am trying to raise money for my sweet dalmatian Penny. Penny has a recessed vulva and is prone to getting UTI's. Her recessed vulva traps moisture and bacteria which causes the UTI to occur. Vulvoplasty (aka Episioplasty) is a surgical procedure that is used to remove the extra skin around the vulva and lift it so that there are no skin folds. Currently, our home remedy includes wiping her after she uses the restroom. So far this is the only thing that has prevented the UTI's from occurring. While wiping is a great solution for the time being, it is not a permanent solution. The surgery will completely reduce her chances of getting UTI's in the future. My goal is to raise $1,500 as this procedure can be quite costly. If you are able to help financially, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much for your support!