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Help Peter David

Spende geschützt
Hi, friends. I'm restarting a fundraiser for Peter David and his family. Peter's health issues continue to be a challenge. He has been in recovery now for three years! Peter is steadily improving - even with his kidney disease, minor surgeries, and some recent small strokes. But Medicaid, which had been taking care of his Long Term Disability, has just dropped him. As a result, medical care and living expenses are mounting beyond current control.
So, we are reaching out to you for help. I've known Peter and his family for many years. They are the nicest, kindest, and most generous people you will ever meet. Let's return some of that kindness and generosity and help them make it through this. Please donate and spread the word. Thank you!

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Graham Murphy
East Patchogue, NY
Kathleen David

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