Help Petronella support children in Gokwe Zimbabwe
Donate and Help Petronella Munhenzva support 100 children in Rural Zimbabwe In School
When coming to study in the UK was still a distant dream, no one prepared me for the day I would stand with my Oxford Masters degree in hand and feel a deep sinking sadness instead of an exhilarating joy that I’d expected. Had things gone differently at any point in my life, I could never have made it out of Gokwe. I would have sunk deep into the statistics of primary school kids whose parents had to choose between basic meals for the family and paying for school fees and chose the meal. Justifiably so. Had my father not gotten promoted, slightly, but significantly enough to afford to keep my siblings and me in school, I’d never have found out what might life would have been like had life given me a chance. I have plenty of old classmates and friends that didn’t get as lucky as I did.
I have finished school at Oxford University and writing my book: FROM GOKWE TO OXFORD: THE GIRL WHO DARED TO not because it is so grand, but because it was the best homage I could think possible to my journey here! I am going back to Zimbabwe to launch the book and my foundation (THE PETRONELLA MUNHENZVA FOUNDATION) The goal of this fundraiser is to keep as many children as possible who are in disadvantaged rural areas like I once was, in school. A single donation of $40 can keep a child in school for a full term. $15 can buy uniforms for that child.. A single donation can impact more than 8 people in the long term!
I for one know that for most young children in Zimbabwean rural areas, their best shot at making something out of themselves is to get good grades and follow a dream. I followed mine and ended up in a place I would never have dreamt possible for a girl like me. I am grateful. But at the same time, there is this ache when I look at how for most, the odds of that big break remain slim. Simply because most of them are likely to drop out of school before they even finish primary school! It’s with this in mind that I seek to help a good amount of funds and go back home with the best “surprise” I can think of for a young kid who is still where I came from.
The goal of this fundraiser is to be someone else’s confidence so they too can have hope and can dream. As I launch the Petronella Munhenzva foundation together with my book.We have an opportunity to come together to help ensure education is accessible even to the most vulnerable and to ensure they at least have a fighting chance in life
Budget Breakdown Averages:
School fees: $40× 100= 4000
Uniform $15 × 100= 1500
Shoes $20× 100= 2000
Stationary$20x 100= 2000
Text books $ 75 × 100=7500
Career Guidance tours:
Speaking aids: charts, boards: 250
Transport costs: 2000
TOTAL. : $19,250/ £13000
£2000 has already been raised outside of this campain. Thank you all for your support.
Here’s how you can help:
If you are in a position to contribute and you have the means to take action, I hope you will donate today. No dollar amount is too small.