Help Piper get heart surgery!!!
PLEASE PLEASE DONATE!!! Anything you can spare can help this baby live the normal life she so much deserves! Piper is a deaf 5 month old Australian Shepherd. As a runt Piper’s growth was severely effected. She is supposed to be what is considered a “Standard” sized Aussie. Instead Piper weighs in at a whopping 10 pounds! Upon taking her to the vet for her second round of booster shots it was discovered that her “minor” heart murmur was severe. With an ultrasound and a consult from UT Knoxville it has been determined Piper needs heart surgery. She has what is called a Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) and without surgery can go into congestive heart failure within months. It is recommended it is corrected ASAP. Please help me save this amazing, crazy, cuddly, little baby!!! If you have any questions please feel free to contact me!!! I have her veterinarian reports as well!! Piper is the 3rd Aussie welcomed into our home and her brothers adore her!!! Anything donated over the cost of the surgery will be donated to help other babies in need.